'Alien Invaders' Program at Horn Field Campus Nov. 9
November 5, 2013

MACOMB, IL – Come to Western Illinois University's Horn Field Campus this Saturday to learn what you can do to help control invasive species.
"Alien Invaders" is set for 1-2 p.m. November 9 and will be hosted by Maddie Ruhl, a naturalist and graduate student in the recreation, park and tourism administration department at Western.
According to Ruhl, the program will cover the different types of invasive species in the area; where the species came from; the damage the various species are causing; and what people can do to help control invasive species.
"Alien Invaders" is open free to the public. Learn more about Horn Field Campus at www.wiu.edu/hfc.
For more information, contact Ruhl at ME-Ruhl@wiu.edu
Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
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