University News

Geology, Biology Host Guest Speaker Sept. 27

August 23, 2013

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MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University departments of geology and biology are hosting a guest speaker, Patricia Kelley, Friday, Sept. 27 at noon in Waggoner Hall. The location of the address will be released at a later date.

Kelley is a professor of paleontology at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. She is also a distinguished speaker for the Paleontology Society, a group that brings scientists to colleges and universities to educate students and faculty about paleontological research, evolution and science.

The talk is titled, "Evolution and Creation: Conflicting or Compatible?" Kelley is a devout Christian, but is a staunch defender of evolution against creationism and intelligent design. She has published a book chapter called, "Teaching Evolution During the Week and Bible School on Sunday."

Kelley received her Ph. D at Harvard and was the past-president of the Paleontological Society.

For more information, contact Assistant Professor Thomas Hegna at


Posted By: Kolette Herndon (
Office of University Communications & Marketing