Faculty Promotions

July 9, 2013

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MACOMB/QUAD CITIES, IL – Twenty-seven Western Illinois University faculty have been granted promotions, effective Fall 2013.

Promotion recommendations were initiated at the departmental level and reviewed by the college deans and Provost and Academic Vice President Ken Hawkinson prior to final approval by President Jack Thomas.

Promoted from associate professor to professor:

College of Arts and Sciences – Fedor Andreev and Kimberly Hartweg, mathematics; Janna Deitz, political science; David Lane and Jeff Laurent, psychology; and Lora Wallace, sociology and anthropology.

College of Business and Technology – Susan Stewart, management and marketing.

College of Education and Human Services – Holly Nikels, counselor education; Katrina Daytner, educational and interdisciplinary studies; James West and Seung Won Yoon, instructional design and technology; Renee Polubinsky, kinesiology; Bonny Mhlanga and Jill Myers, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration.

College of Fine Arts and Communication – David Holz, art; and Richard Kurasz, School of Music.

University Libraries – Brian Clark and William Thompson.

Promoted from assistant professor to associate professor:

College of Arts and Sciences – Christopher Morrow, English and journalism; Febe Pamonag, history; Clifton Ealy and Elizabeth Hansen, mathematics; Sarah Haynes, philosophy and religious studies; Hiroko Sotozaki, psychology.

College of Business and Technology – Anna Valeva, economics and decision sciences.

College of Education and Human Services – Zhaohui Sheng, educational leadership.

College of Fine Arts and Communication – Jeffrey Brown, School of Music.

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