University News

Life and Contributions of Jane Goodall

March 6, 2002

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MACOMB, IL -- In celebration of Women's History Month at Western Illinois University, the program "Environmental Spirit: The Life and Contributions of Jane Goodall" will be presented from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, March 19 in Morgan Hall101A on the WIU campus.

The video, "Reason for Hope: Jane Goodall, A Spiritual Journey," will be shown and a panel discussion will follow. Panelists include Pat Anderson, anthropology; Safoura Boukari, African-American studies; Ginny Boynton, history; Amy Carr, religious studies; Adam Chacksfield, political science; Sue Martinelli, philosophy; Jackie McLeod, history; Shawn Meagher, biological sciences; and Paula Wise, psychology. Polly Radosh, director of women's studies at WIU, will serve as panel moderator.

The event is sponsored by the WIU College of Arts and Sciences, the departments of biological sciences, history, philosophy and religious studies, political science, psychology and sociology and anthropology and the women's studies program.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing