Interview with Christina Norton

Photo of Christina Norton
Christina Norton
Title: Instructor
Department: Libraries
Office Location: Malpass Library
Office Phone: (309) 298-3298

Do you specialize in any areas?

Art/art history is the department that I'm liaison to.

What is your favorite thing to research?

The experiences of women in different eras and cultures; Russian culture, arts, and literature (especially Soviet era and especially animation!); anxiety's effects on different populations. Also new ideas in librarianship and information literacy (predictable, I know).

Tell about a time when you were able to help a patron that really sticks with you.

I stumbled upon an article that I thought would be of interest to a patron I'd worked with the day before - he had been looking for sources for an art history paper and not having a lot of luck. I emailed it to him and once he'd read it he emailed me back to say "You have saved my life with this article!" I don't think he was actually in any mortal danger, but he was clearly more confident and less stressed about his assignment, and that was rewarding.

How can patrons get ahold of you?

Email me at or, if you'd prefer, contact me through the WIU Libraries accounts on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. I run all that.

What do you geek out over?

Bunny rabbits, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Game of Thrones (the show - planning to read the books this winter!).

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