Interview with Brian Clark

- Brian Clark
- Title: Professor
- Department: Libraries
- Office Location: 245 Malpass Library
- Office Phone: 309/298-2785
- Email:
Do you specialize in any areas?
Cataloging. I catalog all the master's and PhD dissertations. I also do name authority work (which is probably too confusing to the lay person) but it includes using someone's proper name, spelling and birth and death dates.
What is your favorite thing to research?
I used to do research on e-books but have gotten away from that in recent years. The last paper I published was an article comparing Facebook to the dying college yearbook.
Tell about a time when you were able to help a patron that really sticks with you.
Once I was helping a professor find some information. We never really found what he was looking for and he left the reference desk. I kept searching, found the information, and then ran around the building until I found him again. He was very grateful and surprised I went to the trouble of tracking him down.
How can patrons get ahold of you?
Email is best as my phone has a permanent message saying I have a message waiting, whether I really do or not, so I don't check it very often. I'm also not in my office much of the time due to meetings and classes.
What do you geek out over?
Politics! I spent 20 years as a journalist where I had to be impartial and keep my opinions to myself. I love the fact that I can participate, campaign, protest, etc. freely.
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