Library News
The Return of the Dogs: Finals Week ~ Monday & Tuesday!

Therapy Dogs at Malpass Library! Come play with some amazing furry friends on Monday, December 9 (1-3pm) and Tuesday, December 10 (2-4pm) in the Garden Lounge (main level).
WIU Libraries and the University Counseling Center (UCC) are collaborating to bring therapy dogs to Malpass Library! The initiative is part of the UCC Wellness Wednesday series, which is an effort to help students manage their stress and to promote healthy habits.
This initiative is a part of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, which is an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. This team is based in Galesburg, IL, under the direction of Liz Pagel. For more information, contact Outreach and Engagement Librarian Michelle Holschuh Simmons at or UCC Counselor Sonja Schmidt at
Come to the November Poetry Garden Party!

Please join us in the Garden Lounge on Friday, November 8 at noon for our second Poetry Garden Party of the academic year. Bring your lunch, and enjoy reading or listening to poetry!
PRESENTATION POSTPONED [Raiders of the Lost Archive: Adventures in Film & Media Research]

The originally scheduled (October 23) presentation by Dr. Richard Ness, WIU professor and author of three books on film has been postponed until a future date.
Scholarly Publishing as an Undergrad — Find Out How!

Come and learn more about how Scholarly Publishing as an Undergrad! Please join us in the Garden Lounge on Friday, October 11 at 2pm.
Come to the Poetry Garden Party!

Please join us in the Garden Lounge on Monday, Sept. 20 at noon for our first Poetry Garden Party of the academic year. Bring your lunch, and enjoy reading or listening to poetry!
Please comment on the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan of WIU Libraries & General Studies

We invite the WIU community -- students, faculty, staff, and administrators -- to review our strategic plan and share your feedback. Your insights are important to ensure our goals meet the needs of our institution and community....
The WIU Quad Cities Library services will be OPEN -- 08/16/2024

The WIU-QC Library is moving! Beginning August 19, look for us at the second floor atrium desk in Riverfront Hall Monday-Friday between 10 and 3. You'll be able to ask questions, pick up materials ordered from other libraries, check out course reserves, and request books from the Quad Cities book collection.
Malpass Library Closed in Observance of Juneteenth -- 06/19/2024

With the University's observance of Juneteenth,
all WIU Libraries will be closed on June 19, 2024.
Malpass Library's West Entrance Closed for Summer

Beginning the morning of Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, the west entrance, or Western Avenue entrance, to the Malpass Library will be closed to allow for Western Specialty Contractors to begin working on a roof replacement project at the library. It is expected that the west entrance will be closed for the duration of the summer to allow for the construction to take place. Proper safety measures, signage, and notifications will be placed at the entrance accordingly. The north entrance and east entrance to the library will continue to remain open at all times during the library's normal operating hours.
During the next few weeks, there will also be a high volume of noise generated from the construction activities scheduled to take place which includes, but is not limited to, cutting, grinding, jackhammering, and roof ballast removal.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your support and patience during this project. (--WIU Facilities Management)
The Return of the Dogs: FINALS EDITION!

Therapy Dogs at Malpass Library! Come play with some amazing furry friends during Finals Week in the Garden Lounge (main level). The dogs will be available from 1-3pm on May 6th, and from 2-4pm on May 7.
WIU Libraries and the University Counseling Center (UCC) are collaborating to bring therapy dogs to Malpass Library each month throughout the Spring 2024 semester, including Finals Week! The initiative is part of the UCC Wellness Wednesday series, which is an effort to help students manage their stress and to promote healthy habits.
This initiative is a part of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, which is an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. This team is based in Galesburg, IL, under the direction of Liz Pagel. For more information, contact Outreach and Engagement Librarian Michelle Holschuh Simmons at or UCC Counselor Sonja Schmidt at
WIU Authors Celebration ~ 3-4pm April 25!

To celebrate the scholarly and artistic output of Western Illinois University, University Libraries invites you to join us for the 18th annual Authors Recognition Reception on Thursday, April 25, 2024, in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge. Published works will be on display* from 12noon - 4:00pm, with remarks at 3:15pm. This year's Authors Reception recognizes those at WIU who have published during the 2023 calendar year, including authors of books and articles, composers of music, producers of film, and the like. For more information, please contact the Library Administration Office at 309/298-2762 or
*To ensure your 2023 publication is on display at the reception, please deliver a copy to Krista Bowers Sharpe, Reference Desk, Malpass Library. Please indicate whether you would like to donate the copy to the Libraries' collection or would like it returned after the event.
Poetry Garden Party -- Tuesday, April 16
In celebration of National Poetry Month, on Tuesday April 16, please join us for a Poetry Garden Party from 12noon - 1:00pm in Malpass Library's Garden Lounge!
Read a published poem or bring an original poem of your own. If you don't have a poem, just come and listen OR select one from our books (provided).
Bring your own lunch; cookies are provided by Professor Lawhorn. This poetry party is co-sponsored by the WIU Department of English and WIU Libraries.
Women's History Panel Discussion @ Malpass -- March 20
In celebration of Women's History Month, please join us for a panel presentation and discussion entitled "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Global Historical Perspectives."
The Wednesday, March 20, presentation will be held in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge from 4:00-5:00pm. Featured speakers include WIU professors: Dr. Ute Chamberlin, Dr. Peter Cole, Dr. Febe Pamonag, and Dr. Betsy Perabo.
This 9th Annual Women's History Month Panel is co-sponsored by the WIU Department of History, the WIU Department of Race, Religion, Gender, & Multidisciplinary Studies, and WIU Libraries.
Undergraduate Research Scholarship
The Center for Undergraduate Research at Malpass Library, a collaboration between the Centennial Honors College and WIU Libraries, is pleased to announce a research scholarship competition for $500. The due date for the scholarship application is March 22, 2024. Each applicant must be a WIU undergraduate student. Research can include, but is not limited to, the western Illinois region, and it can be in any discipline. Research must include a field component in which the applicant travels for research. Field research must be completed in Summer 2024. Apply today!
April 24 ~ The Return of the Dogs!

Therapy Dogs at Malpass Library! Come play with some amazing furry friends during Spring 2024 in the Garden Lounge (main level). The dogs will be available from 2-4pm on three special Wednesdays: February 21, March 20, and April 24.
WIU Libraries and the University Counseling Center (UCC) are collaborating to bring therapy dogs to Malpass Library each month throughout the Spring 2024 semester. The initiative is part of the UCC Wellness Wednesday series, which is an effort to help students manage their stress and to promote healthy habits. Therapy dogs will also be available during the week of final exams; the dates and times will be announced in the coming weeks.
This initiative is a part of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, which is an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. This team is based in Galesburg, IL, under the direction of Liz Pagel. For more information, contact Outreach and Engagement Librarian Michelle Holschuh Simmons at or UCC Counselor Sonja Schmidt at
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