Library News

Databases on Trial at WIU Libraries

Free unlimited use of dozens of databases is now yours to try! WIU Libraries presents Try-It! Illinois, offering statewide access through November. Databases cover a wide range of subjects and include both popular and scholarly sources. Examples include Grove Art Online, The Liberator, Cannabis NewsBank, Human Kinetics Library, Theology & Religion Online, Flipster Digital Magazines, America and World War I: American Military Camp Newspapers, Home Improvement Reference Center, Bloomsbury Philosophy Library, Financial Literacy, and many more. Access Try-It! Illinois from our Database Trials page. Login info may not be posted, but we can give it out via email, chat, phone, or in person, so ask at the Reference Desk.

Also available from the Database Trials page for a month, check out Academic Video Online, a comprehensive streaming video collection that spans multiple subjects and includes the newest collection of video documentaries and series from PBS.

I-Share and ILL (book & article) services have resumed!

All I-Share and Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) book borrowing has resumed! The I-Share catalog looks different (now integrated within WestCat), but the request option is now available. Please note that not all I-Share libraries are participating yet, as some remain closed. Most plan to resume throughout August.