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Curriculum Library Book Sale!
The Curriculum Library (Horrabin Hall 80) will be hosting a book sale September 9-10.

De-stress with Therapy Dogs at the Library!
Take a break from your studies and play with a furry friend! Therapy dogs will be here Tuesday, April 30, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Garden Lounge (Main Level), Malpass Library.

Music Library Spring Sale --- April 2-3!

Announcing the fabulous annual Music Library Spring Sale, Tuesday & Wednesday, April 2-3! Located in the Music Library's home of Sallee Hall 108, the sale offers an interesting assortment of music scores, books, CDs, and records. Prices range from ten cents (.10) to $3, and is a CASH ONLY event. Come see, come buy, come be seen buying!
World War II Materials in Archives & Special Collections presentation by Bill Cook

Bill Cook, Senior Library Specialist in Malpass Library’s Archives & Special Collections will talk about materials relating to World War II available in the University Archives, Special Collections and the Illinois Regional Archives Depository. The presentation will begin at 7:00pm on Monday, April 22, 2019 in Malpass Library's Garden Lounge.
World War II Map Tour presentation by Linda Zellmer

Linda Zellmer, Government Information and Data Services Librarian, will give a talk about a selection of maps available in the WIU Libraries Map Collection that deal with World War II. The event will be held in Malpass Library's Garden Lounge at 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Many of the maps that will be discussed were issued during the War. The “tour” will include some captured German Army maps.
Searching for the Perfect Society Presentation --- by Dr. Jeff Hancks

Please join us on Tuesday, February 26, at 3:30pm in the Malpass Library's Garden Lounge for a talk by Dr. Jeff Hancks entitled "Searching for the Perfect Society: Illinois and the Nineteenth-Century Utopian Movement." The presentation is held in conjunction with the new traveling exhibit on the history, heritage and impact of Bishop Hill, IL. The exhibit, "A Community on the Prairie: Bishop Hill, Illinois," will be displayed on the Macomb campus in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library from Feb. 11-March 18. "Dr. Hancks's talk will contextualize Bishop Hill in the development of Illinois and demonstrate the history of our region. I am delighted that he has agreed to share his research in conjunction with the Bishop Hill exhibit," said WIU History Department Chair Jennifer McNabb.
Bishop Hill Special Exhibit

The Department of History and University Libraries are pleased to announce Western Illinois University is hosting a new traveling exhibit on the history, heritage and impact of Bishop Hill, IL. The exhibit, "A Community on the Prairie: Bishop Hill, Illinois," will be displayed on the Macomb campus in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library from Feb. 11-March 18. "This exhibit will help to not only showcase Illinois history but also demonstrate the rich diversity that has shaped our state," said WIU Dean of Libraries Michael Lorenzen "The WIU Archives has even more information on Bishop Hill, and this exhibit is a great starting point to learn about it."
The exhibit will be celebrated with a public talk by School of Global Education and Outreach Executive Director Jeff Hancks at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26 in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library. Hancks's talk is titled "Searching for the Perfect Society: Illinois and the Nineteenth-Century Utopian Movement." "Dr. Hancks's talk will contextualize Bishop Hill in the development of Illinois and demonstrate the history of our region. I am delighted that he has agreed to share his research in conjunction with the Bishop Hill exhibit," said WIU History Department Chair Jennifer McNabb.
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