Library News

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Blood Drive @ the Library!

The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center has scheduled a blood drive at WIU's Malpass Library on Friday, September 14, 10:00am - 1:30pm, Garden Lounge -- Main Level (more info). Walk-ins are welcome, but please consider scheduling one of the available time slots.

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De-stress with Therapy Dogs at the Library!

Take a break from your studies and play with a furry friend -- therapy dogs available Thursday, May 3, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Garden Lounge (Main Level), Malpass Library.

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WIU Libraries Recognizes Textbook Heroes

To celebrate Open Education Week, March 5-9, WIU Libraries is honoring faculty who use open educational resources and open textbooks in their classrooms.

Image of an electronic network.

Workshop: Scholar Identification Systems

Submitted a manuscript recently? Were you asked for your ORCID ID the last time you submitted one? You might also have been asked for one when submitting a grant proposal or fellowship application. Do you want to learn about Scholar Identification systems? Discover more about the upcoming February 28th library workshop!

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WCAZ Donates Collection to WIU Libraries

Regional radio station WCAZ (AM 990) in Carthage recently donated its archive of photographs, scrapbooks of newspaper clippings and correspondence and promotional materials used by the station throughout its history (1922-2017), including an autographed photo of singer/songwriter Gene Autry.

Image of WIU Libraries Research Panel

Research Add-On For Chrome & Firefox!

Add the new WIU Libraries extension to your browser and make library research a breeze! WIU Libraries has created a new Research Panel extension for Chrome and Firefox browsers, giving you quick access to library resources and services wherever you are on the web. The panel gives you easy access to the WestCat Library Catalog, I-Share, WorldCat, and ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan), along with scores of world-class subscription databases only accessible by WIU-affiliated users. Plus, chat, talk or email with professional reference librarians in real time.

Image of WIU Libraries Research Panel

New I-Share Catalog Interface

I-Share, the statewide academic library catalog, was recently upgraded by CARLI. The interface upgrade (to VuFind 4.1), provides enhanced services and functionality, including the ability to view the catalog on mobile devices. View an I-Share/VuFind upgrade FAQ.

Image of I-Share Catalog

Open Educational Resources Workshop

On Wednesday, January 24th at 12:00 PM in the Malpass Library, 3rd Floor Computer Classroom, (and on April 24, at 3pm), we'll host a webinar that will introduce the concept of Open Educational Resources and direct faculty to alternatives to commercial textbooks. Visit this page for more information.

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Name That Tune!

Help Us Out: Name That Tune and identify missing song titles and composers!

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