Open Educational Resources Workshop
Tuesday, August 29th, 2017, 9:30 AM - Malpass Library, 3rd Floor Computer Classroom

Do you know how much the textbook for your course costs? Do you have students who can’t afford to buy it? Some college textbooks are so expensive that students are not buying them or looking for other alternatives, such as sharing, photocopying or finding illegal copies. Some Faculty are looking for alternatives to traditional texts, or developing classes that make use of Open Educational Resources and library materials. This webinar will introduce the concept of Open Educational Resources and direct faculty to alternatives to commercial textbooks. Library Guide:
Also offered: Thursday, December 7th, 2017 at 3:30 PM
Sign up for workshops through the CITR Workshops website
For questions or more information, contact Linda Zellmer at or (309) 298-2723.
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