Library News

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New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of October through November, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New October - November 2016.

Christmas with Burl Ives

In celebration of the holiday season, the University Archives invites you to the sixth floor of Malpass Library for a special audio Christmas greeting, featuring Burl Ives and including items from the Archives' extensive Burl Ives Collection. Visit this page for more information.

Graphic with picture of Burl Ives smiling. Mistletoe illustration above his head and text overlay on the right.

Libraries Offer Stress Relief in Lead-Up to Finals

To help students cope with the unique pressure that comes with preparing for final exams, Western Illinois University Libraries will once again offer opportunities for stress relief within the Leslie F. Malpass Library and the branch libraries. Visit this page for more information.

Graphic with the word Distressed? De-stress with University Libraries. Pastel colors in background.

Devine, Eaton, and Sealey to Receive Graham Scholarship Awards

Sara Devine, Rachel Eaton, and Kyle Sealey, student employees in University Libraries, have been selected as the recipients of the 2016-2017 William H. and Eva Little Graham Libraries’ Student Assistant Scholarship. Visit this website for more information.

Picture of the scholarship winners with text of their names and award.

Ladwig/Wade Collection Donated to WIU Libraries' Archives Chronicles Family Divided by World War II

Ladwig/Wade Collection Donated to WIU Libraries' Archives Chronicles Family Divided by World War II. Visit this website for more information.

Studio photograph of Richard Curtis 'Dick' Wade (David and Brad Wade's uncle) in his World War II Army uniform.

World Series Championship Parade

As a public service in recognition of the Chicago Cubs' historic 2016 World Series victory, University Libraries links to coverage of the parade in Chicago.

Image of Cubs W flag

National Parks Lecture Series: “Interpretation in the National Parks”

Dr. Michael McGowan will deliver a talk on “Interpretation in the National Parks” at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information.

Image of map with a lighthouse, Text overlay on the image.

Malpass Library Plant Sale

The plant sale will take place from October 25th through 27th, 10 am to 4 pm each day, in the Staff Lounge on the bottom floor. Visit this website for more information.

Picture of flowers with text overlay about the event.

Election Information Updated

The Government, Legal, Spatial and Data Services Unit of University Libraries has updated their Election Information page with information useful to voters in this 2016 election season. Visit this website for more information.

Graphic with a star banner and text. Red, White and Blue colors.

Baskets for Books

Western Illinois Athletics and Western Illinois Libraries are partnering on a 'Baskets for Books' initiative to help raise money for new books at WIU. Visit this website for more information.

Image basketball with WIU rocky logo and text about event

New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of August through September, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New August - September 2016.

WIU Libraries Online book Sale

Past attendees of the University Libraries’ annual book sale may now purchase books from the Libraries online at any time through a new web portal. Visit this page for more information.

Picture of books with purple gradient overlay and text about the event.

Celebrating the National Parks & Park Service Speaker Series

the WIU Libraries will be hosting a series of talks on the national parks by several WIU faculty members. The first talk, on the history of the national parks and National Park Service, will be presented on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, at 7 PM, by Dr. Greg Hall, Professor of History. Visit this page for more information.

Picture of park with mountains and trees. Text overlay about the event.

Homecoming Scavenger Hunt to Be Hosted in Library

The University Libraries will host a scavenger hunt in Malpass Library on Friday, October 7th at 4pm. Visit this page for more information.

WIU Homecoming logo with rocket ship in front of a planet.

Banned Books Week Celebrated in WIU Libraries

University Libraries are pleased to announce that the 9th annual “Banned and Determined” reading of banned and challenged books will take place on Tuesday, September 27th, at 7 PM in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge. Visit this page for more information.

Book with ribbon around it. Save the date text about the event.

Curriculum Library Book Sale September 12-16

The Curriculum Library of the Western Illinois University Libraries will be hosting a book sale from Monday, September 12 through Friday, September 16, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. inside the Curriculum Library (Horrabin Hall room 80). Visit this page for more information.

Graphic with stacks of books and text about event.

2016 Library Donor Recognition Ceremony

Donors who give to University Libraries at the Gardener Level have traditionally been recognized with a plant named in their honor. This year’s donors will be celebrated (and their plants dedicated) at the 2016 Donor Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, September 7th, at 4:00 p.m in the Garden Lounge. Visit this page for more information.

Picture plants in Garden Lounge. Text overlay with title of event.

New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of June through July, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New June - July 2016.

Educational Exchange: Faculty Swap Lives for a Year of Scholarly Studies Abroad

"Beyond the Bell Tower," a University Relations blog that focuses on "Fun and Noteworthy Facts about WIU Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and More," has posted a story about Jens Horstmann, our visiting scholar from Denmark. Jens has been doing research from a work station in our archives for the past year, while our archivist Jeff Hancks teaches and researches in a Danish folk school. You can find out more about Jens's experiences here in this blog post.

Graphic with two planes and the text: Scholar Swap

A Taste of Archives

University Archives invite you to join archivist Dr. Jeff Hancks for “A Taste of Archives,” an intimate evening of Scandinavian history, culture, and dining, on Saturday, July 16th, 2016. Visit this page for more information.

Picture of books. Text overlay with title of event.

New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of April through May, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New April - May 2016.

Finals Stress Relief in University Libraries

To help students cope with the unique pressure that comes with preparing for final exams, Western Illinois University Libraries will once again offer opportunities for stress relief within the Leslie F. Malpass Library and the branch libraries. Featured this semester are visits from Moose the Therapy Dog, a positive thinking labyrinth, and a “chill out” study room with music and comradery. Visit this page for more information.

Graphic with the word Distressed? De-stress with University Libraries. Pastel colors in background.

Open Book with the Reference Librarians: Sean Cordes

The fourth installment of our Open Book interview series introduces you to Sean Cordes, our instruction unit coordinator and lover of all things library tech. “What kind of interesting technology is there in libraries,” you may ask. Sean will tell you. Visit this page to see the interview.

Graphic with image of an open book and title text of the news story.

Library Listening Parties: Song Autopsies and Nick Cave

University Libraries continue to offer lunchtime opportunities for musical enjoyment and discussion with two Listening Parties scheduled for the month of April. Visit this website for more information or contact Christina Norton at 309-298-3298 or

Split image with picture of hand and scalpel over a cassette tape for Song Autosy event. The right side has a photo of Nick Cave for that event.

Open Book with the Reference Librarians: Brian Clark

The third interview in our Open Book series is with Brian Clark. An alternate title for this interview might be: The Mind Behind the Bowtie. Brian is also behind many useful aspects of the libraries’ catalog, and is an expert at hunting down answers. Visit this page to see the interview.

Graphic with image of an open book and title text of the news story.

Blackout Poetry Workshop

In celebration of National Poetry Month and as part of the Macomb Poetry Festival, University Libraries will be hosting a Blackout Poetry Workshop on Thursday, April 21st, from 11:00 AM to noon in Room 180 of Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information or contact Christina Norton at 309-298-3298 or

Image with paragraph of text with black out over some of the words revealing only Blackout Poetry Workshop

Poets of Community and Human Struggle: Edgar Lee Masters and Carl Sandburg

As part of the 2016 Macomb Poetry Festival, Dr. John Hallwas, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Western Illinois University, will present "Poets of Community and Human Struggle: Edgar Lee Masters and Carl Sandburg." Visit this website for more information or contact Kathy Nichols at or (309) 298-2717.

Image with text about the event. Cover of the book Spoon River Anthology

New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of February through March, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New February - March 2016.

11th Annual Authors Reception

To celebrate the scholarly and artistic output of Western Illinois University, University Libraries will be hosting the 11th annual WIU Author Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, April 27th, from 3 to 4:30 PM in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information or contact Jeanne Stierman at (309) 298-2762 or

Picture of table with books and text overlay 11th Annual Authors Recognition Reception

Open Book with the Reference Librarians: Jeff Matlak

The second interview in our Open Book series is with Jeff Matlak, our Electronic Resources/Collection Development Librarian. What can Jeff help you research? So many things. You have to watch to find out. Visit this page to see the interview.

Graphic with image of an open book and title text of the news story.

Open Book with the Reference Librarians: Christina Norton

Open Book with the Reference Librarians is a series of interviews with WIU librarians to introduce you to them, what they specialize in, and what they can help you with. Each week, a new video will be featured on the WIU Libraries homepage. Visit this page to see our first installment.

Graphic with image of an open book and title text of the news story.

Fourth Annual Women’s History Panel Focuses on Women in Public Service

The Fourth Annual Women’s History Month Panel, entitled “Women in Public Service and Government: American and Global Perspectives," will take place on Thursday, March 24th, at 4:30 PM. Visit this website for more information or contact Christina Norton at or 309-298-3298.

Cartoon of young girl and boy. Girl wearing sash and large hat.

Baskets for Books Raises $1700 for Libraries

The Baskets for Books fundraiser, a collaboration between University Libraries and University Athletics, has ended with the WIU basketball season, having raised a total of $1,755.20. Visit this website for more information or contact Suzanne Woodward at or (309) 298-2356.

Graphic with basketball and text wrapping around it.

Midterms with Moose: Therapy Dog in the Library

Have you ever been studying for too many tests and thought “I sure could use an interaction with a dog right about now, to decrease my school-related stress?” Well, now is your chance. Moose the Therapy Dog will be visiting University Libraries the week before Spring Break 2016. Visit this website for more information or contact Christina Norton at 309-298-3298 or

Close up picture of Moose, the black labrador, with text overlay.

The Legacy of Thomas A Dorsey

As part of WIU’s Black History Month programming, University Libraries will host “The Legacy of Thomas A. Dorsey,” a discussion of the influential gospel composer, on Tuesday, February 23rd, at 6:30 PM in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information or contact Dr. Alphonso Simpson, Jr. at (309) 298-2360 or

Black and white photo of Thomas Dorsey at piano with title of the event text overlay.

Attention, WIU Authors!

University Libraries is preparing for the eleventh Annual Author Recognition Reception, and would like to hear from anyone who published during the 2015 calendar year while employed by or enrolled at Western. Visit this website for more information or contact Jeanne Stierman,

Graphic with open book and text about the event written in book.

Blind Date with a Book

From February 5 through 14, 2016, University Libraries will host, "Blind Date with a Book" in the Malpass Library. A display will be set up near the Access Services Desk, with a variety of books wrapped in decorative paper. Visit this website for more information.

Blind Date with a book

Discussion Panel: Humanitarian Crises and US Policy

The WIU chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, a national history honor society, will host a panel to discuss historic U.S. policy towards humanitarian crises and their resultant refugees. Visit this website for more information.

Two pictures side-by-side. The left is a picture of current refugees. The right is a black and white of previous refugees.

New Items!

Newly acquired items for the months of December 2015 through January, 2016 have now been listed!

Photo of Col. Rock mascot with books with the text New December 2015 - January 2016.

Changes to Library Homepage

A few changes have been made to the library homepage. Visit this website for more information.

Image with text CH-CH-CH-Changes!