Faculty Reminder Regarding Instruction Sessions

Fall courses are just around the corner, and given the information needs of today’s course work, many students will soon be using library research tools to perform their work.
To foster effective student use of library technology and resources, please consider scheduling one or more library instruction sessions for your class this semester. Library Instruction sessions are tailored to your lessons and assignments to provide maximum effectiveness for class work requiring information access and use. If you have used our services before, we can’t wait to work with you again this year. If not, we would love the opportunity to do so.
Please visit: http://wiu.edu/libraries/instruction/request.php to request a library instruction session. We look forwarding to assisting your classes soon!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sean Cordes, Instruction Services Coordinator at cs-cordes@wiu.edu or 309-298-2785.
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