From Generation to Generation: Folk Arts of Illinois

Photo of Edna beadwork

University Libraries and the Western Illinois Museum are hosting a traveling panel exhibit with events for fall 2013. The events will take place at Leslie F. Malpass Library or the Western Illinois Museum. The exhibit will be on view from September 11th to November 21st during the libraries and museums regular hours.

The panel exhibit, titled, Generation to Generation: Folk Arts of Illinois, is curated by Lisa Rathje and Clark “Bucky” Halker of the Chicago based non-profit, Company of Folk. It thoughtfully integrates the arts and stories of Illinois to create a visually engaging and educational perspective on the state’s cultural heritage. The ten panels designed by Lance Tawzer of AngryPop Designs, tell the stories of artists, and feature art forms representing a wide variety of traditions such as duck decoy carving, Irish fiddle, Mexican murals, and African American Quilts. Every artist is part of a larger tradition, and their stories prompt the question, What will I pass along? A complete description of the panel exhibit can be found at

The exhibit advisory council provided invaluable insight at the outset of the project and continues to inform on-going touring and programming work: Company of Folk board members Barry Dolins, Ann Oleinik, Ryan Lewis, and Jackie McGrath; Traditional Arts Indiana Executive Director Jon Kay; and others from throughout the state of Illinois, including: Bill Singerman, Yahvi Pichardo, Jennifer Kirker, Kay Rippelmeyer, Susan Dickson, Susan Twomy, and Sue Scott.

The Western Illinois Museum is located at 201 South Lafayette Street, one block south of Macomb’s Courthouse Square and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission to the museum is free; donations appreciated. For more information visit the museum’s web site at http://westernillinoismuseum or contact the museum at 309.837.2750.

The University Library is located on Western Illinois University’s Macomb campus on Western Avenue.

From Generation to Generation: Folk Arts of Illinois was produced by Company of Folk with partial support by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The fall 2013 schedule is as follows:

12:00 p.m.
Folk Arts of Illinois- Opening and Discussion.

Speaker: Kelly Quinn. Re: Mandala.

Location: Leslie F. Malpass Library, Garden Lounge
7:00 p.m.
Folk Arts of Illinois- Opening Reception.

Featuring: Contra Dance with caller Jamie Lane and live music by the Lane Brothers.

Location: Western Illinois Museum
7:00 p.m.
Tradicion Hispana Dance Troupe.

Co-sponsored by Casa Latina and the Tradicion Hispana Dance Troupe

Location: Leslie F. Malpass Library, Garden Lounge
7:00 p.m.
Exhibit with Director and Founder of Company of Folk, Bucky Halker, followed by an open Jam Session.

Location: Western Illinois Museum
7:00 p.m.
The Art of Making Turkey Calls with Dee Kruzan.

Location: Western Illinois Museum

The panels will be divided between the University Library and Western Illinois Museum, and will switch location on October 14th. They can be viewed during regular hours for University Libraries and Western Illinois Museum.

The event is free and open to the public. Questions about the Generations to Generation events can be directed to Tammy Sayles at (309)298-3298 or Sue Scott at (309)837-2750.