Website Re-design

The WIU Libraries website has been re-stylized to enhance accessibility and reflect current university templates. Most of the process has already been completed; a handful of pages will be converted in the near future. In 2004 the library website established compliance with applicable web accessibility requirements. This commitment continues as the underlying code of the website has been thoroughly reviewed and re-calibrated to conform to the latest web standards including W3C HTML 4.01, W3C CSS, W3C WAI-A/WCAG, and Illinois Web Accessibility Standards (IWAS).
For most users, the current modifications are practically all stylistic...library information, resources and services remain where users expect them to be.
What has NOT changed:
- content
- URLs/links
- site navigation
What has changed:
- colors (like frontpage)
- new "collections" pages (e.g., Petersen Collection, etc.)
- "Library News" page/features (enhanced)
Please let us know if you have suggestions for enhancing access to content or if you would like to request posted documents in an alternate, more user-friendly format. For more information please contact Hunter Dunlap at 309/298-2745 or
Posted 1/14/08
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