Weaving, Art & Architecture Exhibit

Open House
Leslie F. Malpass Library 1st Level
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Showcased on Malpass libraries' 1st level will be a traveling exhibit of Art and Architecture in Illinois libraries created by Allan Lanham, Dean of Library Services, and Marlene Slough, head of Acquisitions, from Eastern illinois University.
Local artists will also be present to exhibit their art work and be present to answer questions.

In addition to this exhibit, WIU Libraries is showcasing a media production that was created by an IT student, Shailendra Verma, and coordinated by Brian Clark, WIU Librarian. The media production documents Jo Sanders warping the Thought Products Cassandra loom that is located on the Malpass Library 3rd level.
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