U.S. Constitution Exhibit

Image of constitution.

To celebrate this years annual Constitution Day (Friday, September 16th) set forth by the United States Government, the University Libraries has set up a display of poster-sized replicas of the four pages of the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, the display contains a print of the famous painting by Louis S. Glanzman, depicting the Constitutional Convention signing the U.S. Constitution at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The display is on the 4th floor of the Malpass Library in the Government and Legal Information Area through the end of September.

Additionally, library staff have put together a study guide that contains a bibliography of Constitution-related resources (both print and online). Many of the books listed in the bibliography are temporarily shelved near the Constitution display on the 4th floor.

Also, in celebration of U.S. Constitution Day, the following Western Illinois faculty will provide commentary on Westerns website (www.wiu.edu) on various constitutional related issues:

And then on Friday, September 16, Dean of Libraries, James Huesmann, will be available to answer library-related questions following the National Public Radio debate on "Free Speech in the Digital Age" that will be broadcast in Morgan Hall 109 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.