September 11 Library Resources

Selected Library and Web Resources on the 9/11 Attacks

New York City at night with two lights shining up where the Trade Center buildings once where
News Articles on the Attacks | Books at the WIU Libraries | World Trade Site Memorial Competition | Miscellaneous Web Sites

News Articles on the Attacks

(from Lexis-Nexis Academic , a database purchased by WIU Libraries. From WIU computers, one can access full-text newspaper articles on Lexis-Nexis Academic from around the world - some going back up to 25 years)

Photo of plane exploding into the side of one of the Trade Center buildings while the other building is still smoking

Books at the WIU Libraries

book cover of The 9/11 Commission Report

World Trade Site Memorial Competition

Rendering of what the World Trade Site Memorial might look like when completed

Miscellaneous Web Sites

American flag ribbon with the date 9.11.2001
Chuck Malone
Government Information Librarian
Bill Thompson
Reference Librarian