2002 Library News Archive

PHL and FTML Combined!

December 2002
The new Print & Electronic Periodicals Holdings List provides a one-stop resource for determining which periodical titles are available from the WIU Libraries. The searchable periodical database integrates the library's print holdings from the former Periodicals Holdings List and the library's full-text periodical offerings from the former Full Text Master List The interface provides a variety of search functions and limits including title keyword searches, exact title searches, alphabetical searches by title, ISSN searches, full-text only searches, full-text database holdings searches, and more.

LexisNexis Database Suite -- Remote Access

October 2002
The WIU Libraries are pleased to announce that remote access is now available to six LexisNexis subscription databases. LexisNexis Academic, LexisNexis Congressional, LexisNexis Current Issues, LexisNexis Gov't. Periodical Index, LexisNexis State Capital and LexisNexis Statistical are all accessible to WIU faculty, staff, and students from off-campus locations by using your 14-digit WIU Library ID Number (i.e. 21711 plus your 9-digit WIU ID Number). The links to these databases are located on the library's Online Databases list.

Millionth Volume Celebration

October 2002
The WIU Libraries will celebrate the acquisition of its Millionth Volume on October 23, 2002. Keynote Speaker and noted author Nicholas Basbanes headlines the festivities that are planned for the celebration. The Road To A Million Digital Exhibit provides a historical chronology of the library's path towards this milestone.

WIU's New Library Catalog (Coming in August!)

June 2002
ILLINET ONLINE, the shared catalog of the state's 44 ILCSO libraries, is migrating to a new integrated system called Voyager.

Center for Hancock County History: Mormon Collection

May 2002
The Center for Hancock County History, part of the Archives and Special Collections Unit of the WIU Libraries, contains a wide variety of materials relating to the Mormon era in Nauvoo (1839-1846). A series of webpages have recently been created that detail many of the holdings in the Center's Mormon Collection. Photographs, manuscripts, oral histories, and newspapers are among the items housed in the collection. Visit the Center for Hancock County History for an overview of the Mormon Collection.


March 2002

Faculty, staff and graduate assistants who have recently received notification from the Office of the Registrar that they have been assigned a new WIU ID number will find that their library ID number will also change during the week of March 11.

Whereas the new University ID numbers are 9-digit numbers, the library requires a 14-digit number which is reflected in the barcodes on the front of the new picture ID's. This longer number is achieved by adding a 21711 prefix to the ID number.

Just as the ID number will be changed, so will the PIN number that some WIU databases request for remote login. The PIN number will automatically be changed to the last 4 digits of the new number. Thus, if your new ID number is 902345678, your new library ID number will be 21711902345678 and your PIN number will be 5678. You will be able to change your PIN number once you have logged in for the first time.

The library urges WIU personnel affected by this change, and especially those who are regular library users, to obtain a new picture ID as this will help to facilitate library service and avoid confusion.

Library Resources for Online Courses

February 2002
The WIU University Libraries have developed a new web resource that helps WIU faculty and course developers integrate library resources and services into their online courses. The resource includes a searchable "Frequently Asked Questions" archive as well as links to a wide variety of important online library resources (e.g., full-text databases, ILL forms) and services (e.g., Ask a Reference Question).