1999 Library News Archive
Full Text Master List New Update!
Fall 1999
The library's Full-Text Titles Online master list has been updated to include hundreds of new full-text periodical titles (providing access to thousands of new full-text articles online). The list includes the full-text titles from recently acquired online library subscription databases including InfoTrac (Expanded Academic Index), Health Reference Center, News Illinois and Criminal Justice Periodical Index.
Music Index Now Online!
October 1999
The Music Library now provides online access to Music Index. This searchable database indexes over 640 international music periodicals in all areas of classical and popular music. A broad range of subjects are indexed, plus book reviews, record reviews, first performances, and obituaries. (Available via WIU logins only.)
InfoTrac Now Online!
Fall 1999
The University Library now provides access to the popular
(Expanded Academic Index) database via the World Wide Web. This online database provides indexing and many full-text articles from hundreds of academic journals and popular magazines. (Available via WIU logins only.)
ERIC Documents Online!
Fall 1999
The full-text of many ERIC (ED######) documents are now available online through the library's new subscription to the EDRS database. Full-text document availability runs from 1996 to the present. (Available via WIU logins only.) The library continues to collect the complete ERIC document collection in microfiche, located on the library's third level.
New! Criminal Justice Periodicals Index!
Fall 1999
Offering full-text access to over 40 criminal justice publications, this database also indexes an additional 100 related journals. This new library subscription database is available via ProQuest.
News Illinois
Fall 1999
This new library database provides full-text access to selected Illinois newspapers and Associated Press stories related to Illinois. (Available via WIU logins only.)
University Library a netLibrary Trial/Beta-Site
In conjunction with the Alliance Library System, the University Library is serving as a beta-site for netLibrary's offering of twenty-four hour a day access to the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text reference, scholarly and professional materials. This trial provides access to 250 copyrighted titles and over 1500 public domain, historical, literary, and scholary titles.
May 1999
This exhibit portrays the creation, development and dismantling of a WWII camp in nearby Fulton County. On display at the University Library from May 6 through October 6, this pictorial exhibit can be viewed on the first three floors of the library's atrium during regular library hours. The Reveille to Retreat exhibit was planned and produced by the staff of the Dickson Mounds Museum, a branch of the Illinois State Museum. For more information about the exhibit, please phone the WIU Library at 309-298-2762.
Proquest Direct -- New Addition "Illinois Newstand"
Spring 1999
The Univesity Libraries have recently acquired access to Proquest Direct's "Illinois Newstand." This resource provides "full-text" access and indexing to selected articles for the following Illinois newspapers: Chicago Defender (Chicago); Chicago Sun - Times (Chicago); Daily Herald (Arlington Heights); Daily Register Mail (Galesburg); Illinois Business Review (Champaign); Journal Star (Peoria); News Sun (Waukegan); Pantagraph (Bloomington) Quincy Herald - Whig (Quincy); State Journal Register (Springfield); Suburban Business News (Winfield); The Daily Chronicle (DeKalb).
DIALOGUE 1999 -- "Genetic Engineering"
The WIU University Libraries and Faculty Development are sponsoring Dialogue 1999, a facilitated discussion entitled "Genetic Engineering: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?". The discussion will take place at the University Library (6th Level, Mary Lou Kent Room) on April 6, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. The WIU campus community and the general public are invited to attend and participate.
Library Master Calendar
The University Library's
Master Calendar
is now available online! Check here to see both the regular hours of library operations, but also special dates when the main library is closed or has hours which depart from the regular schedule.
Video Message from the Dean
Tom Peters, Dean of University Libraries, welcomes online visitors and introduces them to the library website in this new audio-visual message. You must have speakers installed to hear the greeting.
PHL Update
The Library's online
Periodicals Holdings List
(PHL) has been updated to reflect the current holdings of the University Library and branch libraries on campus. Version 1.1 is ready to assist you in locating journals, magazines, and newspapers available at campus libraries.
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