1998 Library News Archive
Dialogue 1998
The University Library and Faculty Development are sponsoring Dialogue 1998, a discussion (November 17, 7:30pm) on intellectual property, copyright, and fair use issues. Charles C. Mann's article, "Who Will Own Your Next Good Idea?," will provide the impetus for the discussion at the University Library.
Guide to Electronic Indexes
This new resource lists the library's major electronic indexes and provides information on each database's availability, coverage, and included topics. These databases provide periodical citations, abstracts, and other indexed information (e.g., papers, proceedings, dissertations, websites, book chapters, statistics).
Library's 20th Anniversary
This month, the library celebrates twenty years of service to the WIU community in its present facility. Take a moment to see where the library has been and where it's going.
New AV Title Summaries List
The library's new Audiovisual Title Summaries catalog provides a comprehensive listing of current titles available through the AV unit. Visit the catalog for more information.
New ILLINET Online Catalog (DRA)
The library's new online catalog offers a variety of new features to make finding information easier. You may access the new catalog from the library homepage with a Telnet connection.
Full-Text Titles Online Master List
Full-Text Titles Online alphabetically lists periodicals (e.g. journals, magazines) whose articles are available in full-text format from University Library online providers. The articles are found both in library subscription databases and at selected websites.
"Ask a Reference Question" Form
Can't find a fact? The library's reference staff can help! Simply complete the online question form and a reference librarian will respond to your request, usually within 24 hours (details).
PHL on the WWW!
The University Library's
Periodicals Holdings List
is now available on the WWW. The PHL lists periodical titles (e.g. journals, magazines, newspapers) located at the University Library. After searching an online database, be sure to check the PHL for local holdings information.
Library Homepage Updated
The University Library homepage has been updated to provide improved access to important library resources. The new menu on the left side of the screen offers a variety of features. General information about the library (e.g. hours, news, library units, faculty/staff directory) has been organized in one area and can be accessed by selecting the LIBRARY INFO link. Use the new "Site Search" form to search the library's webpages. (This form does not search the ILLINET catalog). The Site Map acts as a table of contents and provides an overview of the library's webpages.
Decker Press Collection
The library's Archives and Special Collections unit houses a variety of materials including the Decker Press Collection. This small press received national attention in the 1940's, when it published works written by noted authors such as Edgar Lee Masters, August Derleth, and Hubert Creekmore. The collection contains unpublished typescripts about the Decker Press and James Decker, a checklist of imprints, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and historical articles. An overview of the press is available online.
New Database! Congressional Universe
The WIU Library (through its Government Publications Unit) now subscribes to LexisNexis Congressional. This online database provides extensive coverage of the Congress and its activites. Here you can find laws and bills, legislative histories, committee reports and documents, votes, debates, transcripts from some hearings, campaign finance information, the U.S. Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, the Congressional Record, and more. Available only through WIU login.
Reference Materials
Over 100 new reference books have been added to the library's general reference collection. Please visit the reference desk (University Library, 2nd level) for assistance in locating these resources.
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