Tax Forms & Information

Federal Tax Forms
Download and print Federal tax forms and instructions from the Internal Revenue Service.
Illinois Tax Forms
Print various Illinois tax forms and instructions from the Illinois Department of Revenue. You can also fill out the 1040 PDF file online, print the completed form, and mail it in.
Tax Forms for Other States
Link to tax forms as well as state statutes, regulations and agencies from our State Statutes page.
This positively essential link has tax statistics, tax help, forms and IRS Publications.
Wolters Kluwer Accounting Research Manager -- WIU Only
One-stop access to accounting statements, standards, interpretation, and analysis. Includes FASB, AICPA, SEC, IASB, and GASB.
Wolters Kluwer CCH IntelliConnect -- WIU Only
Federal and state tax information with explanation and analysis, primary sources, and archives.
RIA Checkpoint -- WIU Only
Primary tax documents and secondary analysis for federal, state, and local taxation, estate planning, pensions and benefits, international taxation, and payroll taxation. - Tax, Accounting and Payroll Sites Directory
This site has everything you could ever want about taxes. Links to state and federal tax forms and other tax information.