McDonough County



McDonough County Census Quickfacts
Cursory population and business statistics.
McDonough County, Illinois
McDonough County's official website. Provides links to organizations and schools and provides information on county history.
McDonough County, Illinois (WIU GIS Center)
This zoomable aerial photo allows the viewer to choose layers to display.
City of Macomb
This is the official website for Macomb, IL.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Information about McDonough County banks can be found at this site. Mouse over Industry Analysis/Bank Data & Statistics/Institutional Directory. You can then search for McDonough County, IL.
Census of Agriculture
This site gives McDonough County's size and number of farms, the types of animals raised and crops grown, and more.  Sources cited.
Local Area Unemployment Statistics
This site gives unemployment statistics from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).
County Prevailing Wage Rates
This site gives the current data from the Illinois Department of Labor listed by county.

Public Health/Environment:

My Environment
This is a snapshot of environmental concerns for McDonough County from the EPA.
NOAA Weather
This site has the current weather conditions for McDonough County, short and long-term forecasts, and related links.
Coal Mines in McDonough County
This site from the Illinois State Geological Society contains a directory and a map of known underground and strip mines. Scroll down and click on McDonough County.
Illinois Department of Public Health Statistics
Links to vital statistics--births, deaths, marriages, and divorces--for McDonough County.
This site from the Illinois Department of Public Health compares county level data with state level data on topics such as infant mortality, cause of death, teen pregnancy, prenatal care, infectious disease rates, etc.
Illinois Sex Offender Information
The State Police offers the names, addresses, and mug shots of current sex offenders in the state. On the right side of the screen, click on Registered Sex Offender Info, then click on search by county.


WIU Archives and Special Collections
This branch of the WIU Main Library maintains primary sources from McDonough County, as well as many surrounding counties. Included are newspapers, manuscripts, business records, photographs, and more from the early 19th Century to the present. Coverage is uneven, and less is found when searching for materials further from Macomb. See the office on the sixth floor for collection finding aids and holding lists.
Illinois Regional Archives Depository (WIU)
This branch of the Illinois State Archives maintains county, township, and municipal records and shares office and collections space with the WIU Archives and Special Collections.

Legal/Law Enforcement:

Municipal Code of Macomb, Illinois