State Of Illinois Information
Quick Links | Consumer Information | Crime & Justice | Economy & Economic Development Environmental Information | Genealogy | Health & Vital Statistics | Statistical Databases/Sources | Subject Guides
Quick Links
- Electronic Documents of Illinois
- Illinois Digital Archives
- State of Illinois Homepage
- Illinois Legislative Information
- Illinois State Library
- History of State Departments, Illinois Government, 1787-1943
- Illinois Unclaimed Property Listing
Consumer Information
- Illinois Department of Insurance
- Information on buying auto, health, and home insurance. You may also file a complaint online.
- Illinois Road Construction
- Map showing construction areas - from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation.
- Fact Sheets from the Attorney General's Office
- Information on auto repair, buying a car, and avoiding rip-off schemes are a few of the topics discussed here.
Crime & Justice
- Attorney General's Home Page
- Access opinions, information on services, consumer fact sheets and information dealing with criminal justice.
- Office of the State Appellate Defender
- Find out what the Appellate Defender is doing and what issues are coming up before the Illinois Supreme Court in the near future. Also find materials on Capital Punishment litigation and the entire OSAD Handbook on Briefs & Oral Arguments.
- Illinois Department of Corrections
- Look up an inmate, find an institution, apply for a job...these are just some of the services provided by this site.
- Illinois State Police
- Missing children and adults, unsolved crimes, wanted posters for various cities, and links to local law enforcement web pages are just some of the things you'll find here.
- Data Net
- Comprehensive crime statistics by county from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. Requires Adobe Acrobat to view. Downloadable in .dbf or .zip file formats.
- Department of Corrections
- What's the average time from admission to death row to execution? How much do death row inmates cost Illinois taxpayers each year? Learn the answers to these and other questions in statistical reports by the Illinois Department of Corrections.
- Methamphetamine Information
- This web site offers some safety information about meth and the links to a meth manufacturer registry.
- Crime in Illinois
- Illinois Attorney General Opinions
- Illinois Criminal Law Digest
- Summaries of notable court decisions and recent legislation.
Economy & Economic Development
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Get info on starting a new business...find info on job training...learn about DCEO programs & services.
- Illinois Commerce Commission
- Actions of the commission, selected Commission orders, and daily filings in public utility cases are among the things presented here.
- State Comptroller's Office
- Take a crash course in state finance or find out the latest state fiscal information.
The Warehouse
"Each year, the Comptroller's Office collects more than 9,200 financial reports from counties, municipalities, and special taxing districts across the state. We have taken those records and made them all available for taxpayer review at this site." Included are revenues and expenditures, benefits, and assets and outlays; more.
The Warehouse
- Illinois Community Profiles
- Community-level information (by city) such as economic development amenities, transportation, utilities, health & education facilities, employment, tax structure, etc.
- Data & Statistics - Illinois Department of Employment Security
- Employment/unemployment and labor force statistics for state and county; more.
- Fiscal Focus
- Periodic report from the State Comptroller on the fiscal condition of the state.
Environmental Information
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Find information on state parks and recreational areas...apply for a hunting/fishing license online...check out the status of largemouth bass at your favorite fishing hole... Also, keep up to date on events and programs and changes in regulations.
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
- Use the Site Environmental Information Data System (SEIDS) to look up sites monitored by the IEPA in your home county. Public notices and new releases are found here; plus, a page just for kids.
- Illinois Pollution Control Board
- Keep up with the latest state environmental legislation and administrative rulings.
- Environmental Register
- Newsletter of the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Includes information on federal actions and legislative updates.
- Genealogy
- This guide to genealogy offers links to online resources and advice on how to get started on your family tree.
- Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls Database
- This is a searchable database of over 250,000 men from Illinois who volunteered to fight for the Union Army. Search by last name, unit, or residence. Further information, including date of muster and rank, is available in the printed edition. Site includes histories of Illinois Civil War regiments and units; also information on how to obtain copies of original Illinois Civil War records.
Health & Vital Statistics
- Illinois Department of Public Health
- Find statistics, news releases, and publications on current health concerns at this site.
- Vital Health Statistics of Illinois(1950 to 2010), (2010 to present) (some material requires Adobe Acrobat to view)
- Comprehensive summary of statistics by state, county and some larger cities includes births, deaths (and cause of death), infant mortality, and more.
Statistical Databases/Sources
Some of the databases listed below allow you to search by Illinois or Illinois counties while others have state and/or county-level statistical data contained in them.
- Agricultural Statistics - requires Adobe
- This site can be used to access statistics on agriculture production, supplies, consumption, facilities, cost, and returns.
- County Business Patterns
- Employment, wage, and establishment data for both states and counties is presented here. 1986 forward.
- National Historic GIS
- This site lets you choose variables within a given census, then provides you with a table showing the results.
- State Personal Income
- This site provides access to state data for information such as wage and salary disbursements by industry, personal income by major source and earnings by industry.
Subject Guides
Browse by Topic
- FDLP Libguides
- Aging
- Agriculture
- Business/Economics
- Careers
- Children/Juvenile
- Civil War (U.S.)
- Constitutional Issues
- Crime/Justice
- Defense
- Demographics
- Education
- Elections
- Environment
- Foreign Affairs
- Government/Congress
- Haiti
- Health/Nutrition
- Illinois History
- Illinois Sites
- Labor
- McDonough County
- Native Americans
- Presidency
- Science
- Social Issues
- Substance Abuse
- Taxes
- Transportation
- Voting in Illinois
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