You can look up health indicators by topic, geography, or initiative. There is a wealth of information here collected from many different agencies and databases.
The site houses maps and data at the county level for information dealing with food and nutrition issues, including food accessibility, physical activity, prices, obesity and diabetes rates, and more. You can download an Excel spreadsheet with lots of county-level data here. Use the tabs at the bottom to navigate to different data.
This site organizes information on genomes (not just the human genome) including "sequences, maps, chromosomes, assemblies and annotations." You can browse buy organism and even submit a genome.
Nutrition tips, meal plans and recipes are available at this USDA site. You can also use the SuperTracker to create a personalized nutrition and fitness plan and track your progress over time.
At this premier website you can search medical dictionaries and encyclopedias, hospital and physician directories, and a database of information (including side-effects and drug interactions) on prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Search the database of more than 9 million citations to medical articles. PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
ACF oversees many sub-agencies including AFDC, Children's Bureau, and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. Find info on welfare reform, Head Start and other programs.
Includes the Aging Network; this site is a good resource for issues confronting older Americans with links to current law and legislation and statistical reports.
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