Social/Demographic Information

Government and legal information available at WIU on related topics:

Census Bureau
A wealth of information including social, demographic and economic statistics is offered through this searchable database.
National Historical Geographic Information System
The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides population, housing, agricultural, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for geographic units in the United States from 1790 to the present.
Missouri Census Data Center
This is a mirror site for census data.
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (NASA)
This site, hosted at Columbia University by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), includes international data and maps on a diverse array of topics including 1990 and 2000 Census data.
Illinois Quickfacts
Click on the search Illinois button for a comprehensive list of additional data tables. Also, search for county and place information from here. Includes data from the 2020 Census with yearly estimates thereafter, the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and County Business Patterns.
McDonough County Census Statistics
Click on the search McDonough County button for a comprehensive list of additional data tables. Includes data from the 2010 Census with yearly estimates thereafter, the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and County Business Patterns.
WIU Fact Book (Multiple years available)
This book has statistics on WIU students: enrollment, major, and campus by race, gender and county/state/country of origin. For some updated figures see: Headcounts and FTE Enrollments.
This data includes finance and demographic data for Western Illinois University.
The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series is a tool for advanced hard data users. This free site requires registration in order to receive the data reports that a user creates. The data available include the largest collection of individual level decennial census data anywhere and annual Current Population Survey data. Also see IPUMS-International.
IPUMS USA - Published Census Volumes
Use this site to navigate historical census volumes and view as PDF files.
School & District Navigator
Provides acess to school district geographic and demographic data useful for describing and analyzing characteristics of school districts, children, and K-12 education
County Business Patterns
Employment, wage, and establishment data for both states and counties is presented here.
Regional Economic Accounts
This site provides access to state data for information such as wage and salary disbursements by industry, personal income by major source and earnings by industry.
Through the Decades - History of the Census
Fast Facts, questionnaires, overviews, images, and more for each census.
Population and Housing Items on the General Census Schedules, 1790-2000
This spreadsheet, also available in PDF, charts the questions asked in each census.
Social Explorer
220 years of demographic data, 25,000 maps, hundreds of profile reports, 40 billion data elements and 335,000 variables.
Current Population Survey
Find reports and tables on earnings, employment problems, education & training, labor force projections, international comparisons and poverty, to name a few.