
Legislative Branch | Executive Branch | Judicial Branch | Foreign Governments | Other Government Related Sites

Legislative Branch - Congress
This site contains information on Congress and the legislative process. You can search for bills, laws, historical documents, the Congressional Record, committee reports, and committee home pages.
This site is updated daily with committee schedules, hearings scheduled for the week, and business to be considered on the floor of both houses.
You can use this website to track specific legislation or member or Congress by creating an account (free).
U.S. House of Representatives Website
Legislative information, documents about the legislative process, member bios, committee info, and links to state, Federal, foreign and international laws are a few of the highlights of this site.
U.S. Senate Website
This searchable website provides information on senators, Senate history, links to committee pages, and statistics as well as legislative information.
Congressional Directory
Congressional Record (1994 to present)
Access congressional debate, etc. The official record of congressional activity.
A Century of Lawmaking
This site allows you to review Debates and Journals of Congress from 1774-1873
How Our Laws Are Made
Look here for a detailed account of the legislative process.
Representative Darin LaHood Web Page (18th Congressional District)
Find out what Representative LaHood has been doing on Capitol Hill, or learn about constituent services and how to contact your representative.
Illinois Legislative District Maps
Check these maps to find your state and federal legislative districts.

Executive Branch - President, Vice-President, & Agencies

The White House
This site contains personal information about the President and Vice President and their families, the current day's press releases, "Hot Topics," and the latest federal statistics.
Office of the President
Office of the Vice-President
Executive Office of the President
This web site includes a listing of Cabinet members, and all other offices and council's which fall under the Executive Office of the President.
Office of Management and Budget
This site is the official site to the OMB
Links to Federal Agency Websites

Judicial Branch - Courts

Supreme Court of the United States
This is the official web site to the United States Supreme Court.
Federal Judiciary
This web site includes listings for all Federal courts: The Supreme Court, US Courts of Appeal, US Districts Courts, and US Bankruptcy Courts.
Federal Judicial Center
This site allows you to review the FJC catalog of publications, some of which are available to download. It also includes a Federal Judicial history including biographies of Federal Judges.
U.S. Judiciary
This site gives an overview of the judiciary as well as provides links to the History of the Federal Judiciary, Supreme Court decisions, & special jurisdictions.
United States Sentencing Commission
This site has a listing of on-line manuals, guidelines, amendment, publications, & statistics.

Foreign Governments

Foreign Government Websites
Link to foreign government websites courtesy of this page from Northwestern University Library.
United Kingdom Parliament
This Website includes links to the House of Commons, House of Lords and an exploration of Parliament for students.
U. K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office
British Government Department responsible for overseas relations and foreign affairs.
Official website of the Canadian Government
Listings of official government sites relating to agencies and documents of the Mexican Government.

Other Government Related Sites

The American Constitution - A Documentary Record
This subset of (mostly) 18th century documents from the Avalon Project at Yale University includes everything from the Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers.
The Avalon Project by Yale University
Looking for the Code of Hammurabi, the Communist Manifesto, or the Munich Pact? Then this is your website! Famous treaties and historical documents galore.
Assessing the New Federalism State Database
Select Browse through the descriptions of data items to search the database. Topics covered include demographics, vital statistics, immigration, AFDC, child support, education, Medicaid, etc.
University of Michigan Documents Center
This comprehensive site includes many topical pages of links to government and statistical information.
CIA World Fact Book
Cursory economic data for foreign countries including population, GDP, unemployment, imports/exports, budget, type of government, etc.
Provides a listing of governmental agency websites by areas of interest.
State of Illinois Home Page
Connect to state agency homepages, keep up on state issues, or track legislation in the General Assembly.
City of Macomb Home Page
All about Macomb! Local news and weather, maps, real estate listings, classified ads, churches, food and lodging establishments, health services, and local government information are included here.