Search these Library of Congress subject headings in WestCat, the library's online catalog:
Tips: Use the Quick Search option and enter the terms below in the search box and select Subject as the search.
old age
old age assistance
older people
elder abuse
elderly poor
social security
older driver
power of attorney
assisted living
Use the Quick Search option and enter aging, ageing or elder? in the search box and select Any Word Anywhere as the search.
Use the Advance Search option and search "Older Americans Act" or "Social Security" as phrases.
If you are having trouble finding material on your topic, try searching I-Share (through WestCat), a database of the catalogs of over 70 Illinois libraries or WorldCat, a database of library catalogs from all over the world.
Any book you find which we don't have may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Allow a week to 10 days.
Try searching CRS Reports at UNT to find Congressional Research Reports on your topic.
Search Nexis Uni for full-text law review articles.
Make sure WIU doesn't have access to articles you find in databases that don't make all articles available full-text by searching the Periodicals Holdings List for the journal title. The PHL contains full-text e-titles purchased by WIU Libraries, and print/microform periodicals shelved in the Libraries.
Any article you find to which we don't have access may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Allow a week to 10 days.
This directory contains names, addresses, and phone/FAX numbers of organizations which provide information and other resources on matters relevant to the needs of older persons. Browse directory by category or view alphabetical listing of links
This IRS Publication covers tax issues particular to seniors, such as retirement plans, Social Security, life insurance proceeds and sickness and injury benefits.
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