
Academic Search Premier

Screenshot of Academic Search Premier

Subject/Focus of the Database

Academic Search Premier is a scholarly collection which offers information in nearly every academic field. This is where you should start if you aren’t sure where to begin.


Description of Database Content

Academic Search Premier is one of many databases hosted by Ebsco Host and offers full-text for over 4,600 journals, along with indexes and abstracts for over 8,000 journals. Examples of titles offered in Academic Search Premier include: American Historical Review, American Journal of Political Science, American Libraries, American Sociologist, British Journal of Psychology, British Journal of Sociology, Central European History, Contemporary Literature, Early American Literature, English Language Notes, Family Relations, International Journal of Psychology, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, Journal of Counseling & Development, Journal of Education, Political Science Quarterly, Journal of General Psychology, Journal of Genetic Psychology, Journal of International Affairs, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Marriage & Family, Journal of Politics, Journal of Psychology, Journal of Social Psychology, Library Journal, Social Forces, Sociological Review, Theological Studies, Women's Studies, etc. The majority of full-text titles are available in searchable PDF format.

Instructional Guide

Search Tips

You can search multiple subjects by utilizing AND, OR, and NOT to link the key terms. For example: High risk AND injury OR trauma. You can limit your search to only show only peer reviewed journals by checking the box on the left Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. You can also limit your search to strictly full-text articles. Be careful with how many limits you place on your search.


University Libraries is a member of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) and this subscription to this database is a benefit of our membership.

About This Feature

WIU Universities Libraries is pleased to offer you the Database of the Month feature. It is designed to provide you with a brief description of the database, along with helpful hints on using the database most effectively. For a complete list of all of the databases University Libraries offers, please visit For information on how to access the databases off campus please visit For assistance with your research needs, Ask a Librarian at

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