Digital Scholarship Center

External view of office, with sign in front

What is the Digital Scholarship Center?

The WIU Digital Scholarship Center is a pilot project dedicated to supporting scholarly research and projects in the digital realm. The Library of Congress broadly defines digital scholarship as a general term for research that uses digital content and tools to pursue research and interpretation with the goal of furthering knowledge. 

Digital Humanities Support: For projects in humanities, arts, and social sciences, the center provides guidance on leveraging digital methods for enhanced research, interpretation, and storytelling. The center also provices assistance with common software difficulties.

Scholarly Communication: The DSC helps researchers in effectively disseminating their work through the WIU online repository WONDER, ensuring broader visibility and impact. In the future, we hope to enter the world of digital publishing as well.

Collaborative Environment: We offer a collaborative space for scholars to come together, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and engage in interdisciplinary discussions, fostering a vibrant academic community.

How Can We Help You?

If you would like assistance in understanding basic programs such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Adobe Acrobat, Zoom, and others, we would be happy to go over these with you, or find you the help that you need. We offer a space to collaborate with your group and discuss research strategies, or to meet with a librarian to assist you in various other digital or research needs. Additionally, please contact us if you are interested in using our digital repository WONDER for either research or publication.

Find Us!

The Digital Scholarship Center is located in the Malpass Library on Floor 2, just off the North side of the Garden Lounge. The space also includes the Center for Undergraduate Research, a collaboration with the Centennial Honors College to provide research help to all students at WIU. Click here for a map.

Walk-ins are welcome between 8:30-4pm Monday through Friday. Please call or email if you have questions or would like to make an appointment to speak with a librarian about your digital needs!


Phone: (309) 298-3057

Looking for Information on Academic Scholarships?
Try the Scholarship Office or Scholarship Opportunities Portal!