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LEJA Academic Advising Information
The advisors begin seeing students for the next semester's registration the second week of classes. Have you made your advising appointment yet? You must have one appointment with your advisor prior to registration to get your Advisor Encumbrance removed. Call 298-1438 and talk to the receptionist to make an appointment with any one of the three Advisors: Stacy Dorsett, Monica Eskridge, or Phoebe Wilson. Remember - you only need ONE appointment per semester, then other questions and concerns can be taken care of on a walk-in basis.
Students who DO NOT need appointments:
- Seniors who are interning next semester- you don't need an appointment - read your campus e-mail! If you applied for graduation on time you should have received an email titled "Senior Checkout." Didn't get that e-mail message? Now you need to come into the office for a walk-in. Do this within the first two weeks of school. Senior check-outs were e-mailed to your account the week prior to the beginning of school. It is up to you to get this taken care of.
Meet the Advisors
Stacy Dorsett

Fire Protection Services; Emergency Management
Office Hours:
8:00 - 4:30
91 Horrabin Hall
(309) 298-1438
Phoebe Wilson

LEJA (Last Names Starting K-Z)
Office Hours:
8:00 - 4:30
91 Horrabin Hall
(309) 298-1438
Monica Eskridge
LEJA (Last Names Starting A-J)
Office Hours:
8:00 - 4:30
91 Horrabin Hall
(309) 298-1438
Kim Moreno

WIU Quad Cities Academic Advising
Office Hours:
8:00 - 4:30
Quad Cities Complex 1416H
(309) 762-3999 x62325
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