Jill Joline Myers
Stipes Hall 403D
Phone: 309/298-1038
E-mail: JJ-Myers@wiu.edu
Professor Myers earned her bachelor’s degree from Millersville State University in Pennsylvania in 1975 and her juris doctorate in 1981 from the University of Baltimore Law School. Prior to joining the faculty at WIU, Professor Myers spent 21 years as a prosecutor in Baltimore City. While there, she was the division chief of the special investigations unit, which targeted and prosecuted violent drug trafficking organizations by employing wire, electronic and oral surveillance techniques.
In addition to litigating criminal and juvenile matters, Professor Myers has taught law related courses to lawyers, police, federal agents and legislators. She was an adjunct professor at the University of Baltimore, Department of Criminal Justice for 6 years and an adjunct professor at Carroll Community College for 11 years where she developed many of their criminal justice courses. She also served as the electronic surveillance advisor/instructor for the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and the Fourth Amendment consultant for both the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and the Home Box Office, Inc. production of “The Wire.” She was the recipient of two City of Baltimore Police Commissioner’s Bronze Stars for Excellence Awards.
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