Phil Weiss, M.A.


Adjunct Faculty
Office Hours: by appointment


B.A. Western Illinois University
M.A. Western Illinois University

Hello, my name is Phil Weiss. For the last 24 years, I have been a producer/director with University Television. I am an adjunct faculty for the BC&J department and School of Music when needed. I earned both my undergraduate and graduate degrees from WIU and have been a resident of Macomb for over 30 years. I enjoy helping our students become strong advocates for BC&J and WIU. We have graduates all over the world, doing amazing things in the broadcasting and journalism fields; I am continually impressed by their career moves, and grateful to have been part of their experience.

When I’m not on campus, you can find me performing with the Post 6 Big Band, running a Macomb Park Board meeting, or spending time with family and friends. My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we are happy to be raising two Leathernecks.

Message from Faculty

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