RPTH Undergraduate Internship Resources
Important Deadlines
Undergraduate Internship selection and related paperwork must be submitted to Currens 400 by the following deadlines to guarantee registration:
Spring - November 1
Summer - April 1
Fall - August 1
Internship Resources
Internship Forms
- Internship Manual - The complete manual for internships, also the required text for RPTA 398.
- Internship File Checklist - A complete list of all the paperwork required for your internship approval.
- Internship Overview of Assignments
- Internship Scholarship - $500 Award given every Spring and every Summer/Fall session.
- Interview Form - This form is used for the two agency interviews you will complete before choosing an internship site.
- Site Information Sheet - This form should be completed about the organization you will be interning with.
- Mid-term self-evaluation form - This form is completed when you are halfway through on your internship.
- Sample Syllabus
- Agreement Form
- FLSA Fact Sheet
- Job Task Samples
Internship Forms for Agency Supervisors
Helpful Links
- HandShake - Western Illinois University uses HandShake to assist you in finding a job and future employers. Handshake is the leading career development platform used by 700+ colleges and by more than 400,000 employers. Join and build your profile to be connected with agencies and receive updates.
- Regional Internship Opportunities
- Intern Placement by State
Parks & Recreation Internship Postings
Outdoor & Natural Resources Internship Postings
- Environmental and Outdoor Education Internship Listings
- Naturalist Resource & Conservation Jobs
- Conservation Job Board
- Federal Agency Jobs
- National Park Service
- Adventure Job Board
THEM Internship Postings
Non-Profit Internship Postings
TR Internship Postings
Camps & Sports Internship Postings
- Campstaff
- American Camp Association Job Center
- Jobs in Sports
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