Master of Science in Sport Management

Where art, science and craft meet

The mission of the Sport Management Program at WIU is to develop students' conceptual skills, theoretical comprehension, and practical knowledge in order to prepare the next generation of leaders in the sport industry. The Sport Management program at Western is one of the oldest and most established programs in the country. With over 750 graduates in leadership roles such as athletic director, general manager of a professional sport franchise and public relations coordinator, the program is rich in tradition. The program has a strong reputation in the sport industry because of its focus on excellence in education.

Why Choose Sport Management at WIU?

  • We are well-known in the sport industry for preparing quality graduate students.
  • The Sport Management Graduate Program has top of the line curriculum that provides students with practical and hands-on experiences and applications that will prepare graduates for a wide variety of career choices.
  • Western Illinois has a rich network of alumni contacts in all areas of the sport industry who are very committed to work with emerging professionals.
  • A full-time student will typically complete the requirements for the degree in two years.
  • Courses in the Sport Management program are taught by faculty members who hold degrees earned from universities across the United States and who are actively engaged in scholarship activities such as writing book chapters and books, conducting research, and making scholarly presentations at professional conferences.
  • This program is home to a very active graduate student-run Sport Management Association that provides opportunities for leadership roles, networking, and professional development.
  • Many of our students are involved in fundraising activities, traveling to various cities to meet with professionals in the sport industry, and hosting sport management professionals for on-campus lectures.
  • Currently, half of the enrolled students have a graduate assistantship.

Degree Program Block Diagram

Required Courses
6 credit hours

Sport Management Core
24 credit hours

4-6 credit hours


WIU Sport Management Association Logo