COEHS Careers in Fitness, Health, and Wellness Open House
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
8:30 AM to 2 PM

Activities Include:
- Career & Student Club Fair
- Current Student Panel
- Workshops
Survival! (hosted by Recreation, Park, Tourism & Hospitality and Military Science)
Staying warm in the winter, practicing emergency first aid, navigating professional conversations, taking the stress out of meeting new people - we'll tackle it all in an exploration of outdoor survival skills and social situation survival skills then put what you learned into action by working in small groups in problem-solving situations. -
Self Confidence (hosted by Social Work)
Have you ever noticed people with self confidence and wondered what lucky star they were born under? Have you ever longed to be more self confident in one or two areas in your life? Have you ever suffered from Imposter Syndrome, feeling fake, feeling like at any minute, people will realize that you don't have what it takes to do what you are doing, and you will be humiliated? If so you are not alone. Lacking self confidence is a pretty common struggle and contrary to what some people say, confidence is a learned experience, and not something one is born with. Come to this presentation to learn more about how to improve your own self confidencehosted by Social Work
Maximizing Your Performance with Science (hosted by Exercise Science)
From basic skills to high performance, join us to exploring how science improves exercise and performance
Wellness through Tai Chi ( hosted by K-12 Physical Education)Join us for the traditional Chinese exercise called Tai Chi and learn basic forms that relax muscles, relieves stress, and improves balance. At its roots Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art, but practicing the forms slowly and smoothly becomes an exercise for young and old to maintain wellness.
#SnackNation (hosted by Nutrition & Dietetics)
Study: The average American spends nearly $30K on snacks in their lifetime
Study: The average American spends nearly $30K on snacks in their lifetime
Study: The average American spends nearly $30K on snacks in their lifetime
The average Amercian spends nearly $30K on snack in their lifetime, and it is imbedded into all aspect of our lives - road trips, game nights, hiking trips, movie watching, soccer games. Let's explore which snacks get the thumbs up and which ones to avoid and how to know the difference. -
30-Minutes To A Healthier You (hosted by Public Health & Health Services Management)
Join us for tips on how to increase your health resiliency by focusing on the interconnectedness of your physical, mental, and social well-being.
Survival! (hosted by Recreation, Park, Tourism & Hospitality and Military Science)
- Lunch with Current Students
- Campus Tour
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