Health and Wellness Services

Association of Physical Education in Kinesiology

Western Illinois University's Association of Physical Educators in Kinesiology (APEK) serves as the student professional organization for Physical Education Teacher Education majors within the Department of Health and Wellness Services. All Physical Education majors are encouraged to join.

Symbolic of the physical education emblem, APEK's objectives are aimed at furthering scholarship, leadership, service, and the skills of each member through scheduled professional and recreational meetings, special activities and committee work. To achieve these objectives, the organization is administered by an Executive Board which is comprised of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, two at-large members, and a faculty advisor. In turn, each officer serves as a liaison to one of six standing committees: fund-raising, membership, program, public relations, service and special events. Each of these committees elects a chairperson who further provides leadership and cohesiveness. Thus, each club member becomes involved in some aspect of the organization's operation.

Club meetings are every three weeks. They usually involve a short business session, and a professional presentation by a faculty member or community professional on a topic of interest to the members. Programs relate to some aspect of teaching, or coaching. The club has traditionally taken its service commitment to heart by responding to requests for help on the departmental, athletic, university, and community levels, as well as, events within the state's IAHPERD Student Section.

Click here to learn more about the Physical Education Major.


Dr. Ritchie Gabbei
RC - Gabbei @ wiu . edu
(309) 298-1384