Sports Broadcasting / Sport Management
4+1 Integrated Baccalaureate and Master's Degree Program

This program provides undergraduate students majoring in Sports Broadcasting to earn both a B.A. in Sports Broadcasting and an M.S. in Sport Management in five years.  Typically, a baccalaurete degree requires four years to complete and a master's degree requires an additional two years.

The Department of Broadcasting and Journalism has offered a Sports Broadcasting degree since 2011.  The program provides activities and experiences to prepare students for careers in covering and/or producing a wide variety of sporting events. The addition of a graduate program will provide students with a theoretical foundation in the sport industry that will align them with the demands of the profession and will set them apart when applying for a job.

Central to the design of the integrated program is the preparation of students to become the next generation of leaders in the sport industry. At the undergraduate level, students completing the Sports Broadcasting curriculum develop skills and acquire valuable practical and hands-on experiences in the area of media. At the graduate level, students completing the Sport Management Program develop a conceptual framework and the theoretical knowledge of the sport industry that will provide them with the ability to design and construct meaningful approaches for the marketing, promotion and reporting of sport. The objectives below summarize the goals of the program.

The integrated program is designed to prepare students to;

  • Operate equipment utilized by professionals in the field of sports broadcasting (e.g. cameras, microphones, production truck, TV studio, etc.).
  • Plan and produce sport-related events and/or promotions in a variety of multimedia (e.g. blogging, twitter, television, webpages, publications, social media, etc.).
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical and practical issues surrounding current sport culture.
  • Assess and evaluate media and material utilized for the marketing, promotion and reporting of sport.