English Language Learner (ELL) Modules

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Course 1: Linguistic, Legal, and Academic Considerations for English Language Learners
1 Hour

The numbers of English Language Learners (ELLs) in public schools across Illinois and the United states is increasing at dramatic rates. 189,926 students were enrolled in Illinois ELL programs for school year 2007-08. Illinois School Code is very specific regarding the education of English Language Learners. Please read and refer to the following link for Illinois School Code ILSC 14C 1-13 regarding the legislation particular to language minority students.
By completing this course, the participant will be able to:

Lesson 1: English Language Learner Students... They're Everywhere!

  • identify ELL demographics.
  • locate information regarding home language survey.

Lesson 2: A Little Theory You Should Know

  • recognize difference between academic language and conversational language.
  • understand what it is like to have restricted language.

Lesson 3: What About Standardized Testing of English Language Learners?

  • experience a standardized test in Japanese.
  • recognize the importance of parents using home language at home with their children.

Course 2: Understand the Illinois English Language Proficiency Standards
1 Hour

The ELP (English Language Proficiency) Standards are designed for teachers; principals; program, district, and regional administrators; test developers; teacher educators; and others involved in the education of English Language Learners. They are designed as a curriculum and instruction planning tool. They help educators determine students' ELP levels and how to appropriately challenge them to reach higher levels.  They provide specific guidance for how Illinois educators are expected to modify grade level content, instruction, and assessment for ELLs.

By completing this course, the participant will be able to:

Lesson1: Introduction to the English Proficiency Standards

  • self assess knowledge of key vocabulary for WIDA standards.
  • demonstrate understanding of organization of standards by completing graphic organizer.

Lesson 2: Performance Definitions; CAN DO Descriptors; and Speaking and Writing Rubrics for Classroom Assessment

  • examine the Speaking and Writing rubrics that represent the criteria associated with linguistic complexity, language control, and vocabulary usage.
  • self assess understanding of linguistic complexity and vocabulary usage.

Lesson 3: Supporting ELLs While Extending Their Skills in Language and Content

  • demonstrate understanding of sensory, graphic, and interactive supports for ELLs.
  • students will access online sensory, graphic, and interactive supports for differentiated learning.


Course 3: Identification and Assessment of English Learners in Illinois
1 Hour

The Illinois State Board of Education has specific instructions for identifying students of a non-English background.  These rules are updated regularly to reflect changes in both state and federal laws regarding programs for English Language Learners.

By completing this course, the participant will be able to:

Lesson 1: Illinois State Board of Education Laws

  • access to Illinois State Board of Education Laws regarding bilingual education.

Lesson 2: Frequently Asked Questions

  • review FAQs about regarding ELLs in Illinois’ Schools.

Lesson 3: Access for ELLs

  • understand basic components of the ACCESS test for ELLs.
  • understand the English language proficiency levels of the ACCESS test for ELLs.
  • understand process for becoming certified to administer the ACCESS test for ELLs. (Note: Only certified teachers can obtain the IEN from ISBE)
  • demonstrate understanding of W-APT

Course 4: Programmatic Considerations of English Learners in Illinois
1 Hour

In this module, we will learn about two categories of programs described in the school code, various components of each, and how to access both state and federal funding to help schools meet the extra costs of implementing such programs.

By completing this course, the participant will be able to:

Lesson 1: Program Models

  • self assess their understanding of key terms regarding programs for ELLs.
  • understand different TBE programs for ELLs.
  • understand different TPI programs for ELLs.

Lesson 2: Funding

  • access to funding applications for ELLs in Illinois’ public schools.

Lesson 3: English Language Learner Certificate

  • access to funding applications for ELLs in Illinois’ public schools.
  • locate various certification opportunities for pre-service and in-service teachers in Illinois.

Course 5: Special Considerations for English Language Learners
1 Hour

As we enroll English Language Learners in our school districts, there are many things to consider for this special population of students. These students come to us with not only language differences but cultural, religious and home environments that are unique to each student. We have the obligation to meet the needs of each student that comes to us. What do we need to know about the law and our requirements to communicate with parents? How do we begin to understand these students as we strive to meet their educational needs? This module will provide resources and real experiences as we make the Home/School connections.

By completing this course, the participant will be able to:

Lesson 1: Enrollment of English Language Learners

  • locate information regarding the enrollment of ELLs in the US school system.

Lesson 2: Cultural Differences: Don't Assume... Observe...Ask...andAsk Again Later

  • identify differences as well as similarities among cultural groups.
  • recognize the impact of religion with ELLs.

Lesson 3: English Language Learner Certificate

  • communicate through interpreters more effectively.
  • identify solutions to student achievement that involve limited access to technology

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