IDT Resources


Exit Options

Each MS degree candidate must select and complete one of the three capstone exit option projects: portfolio, applied project, or thesis.

Coursework - IDT 603 Portfolio

A portfolio is comprised of projects that demonstrate mastery of the range of IDT skills and knowledge acquired during the program. Items for the portfolio must demonstrate skills learned in at least four courses in the program.

Research Plan - IDT 600 Applied Project

An applied project often involves the development of an instructional unit or product, testing it with a group of learners or other relevant population, and performing formative and summative evaluation of it. The applied project can also focus on applied research, in which it focuses on solving or investigating a site-specific problem; or on an applied evaluation project in which it focuses on evaluating a large-scale program (school-based, industry-based, or software-based) in order to make a judgment about its merit.

Research Plan - IDT 605 Thesis

A thesis is an experimental or qualitative research study. Students wishing to continue their education in an EdD or PhD program should choose this option. It is recommended that the student confer with the anticipated degree program regarding its expectations about the nature of the thesis (e.g., quantitative or qualitative research methodology).

IDT 591 Independent Study

An independent study may be selected if the student has specialized interests not addressed by regular courses or to explore topics leading to your final project. A student may register for one to four semester credit hours for a single topic. Up to six hours can count towards your degree.

A student must have completed at least nine hours of IDT coursework. Student must submit an Independent Study Form to the department prior to enrolling in IDT 591. The student needs to contact and gain permission for an IDT faculty member to be the supervising faculty for the independent study. Consultation with the supervising faculty is also required in order to assure that the proper details and specific plans and end products are included on the form. The form must be signed by the supervising faculty member before submission to the department chair for final approval.

IDT 600 Applied Project

IDT 603 Graduate Portfolio

IDT 605 Thesis

IDT 620 Internship

The IDT 620 Internship is available to graduate students who have completed at least 9 hours of IDT coursework and wish to gain practical experience with a company, school district, or other institution involved with instructional design and technology.

Degree Completion

M.S. in IDT Program Information

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in IDT Program Information

Integrated Baccalaureate and Master's Degree in IDT Program Information

University Resources

Incomplete Coursework

The determination of a grade awarded to a student is the sole responsibility of each instructor. The grade assigned is based upon such elements as timely completion of assignments, contributions to class discussions, performance on examinations, quality of oral and written reports, or technology-based products, and the quality and appropriateness of the student’s overall performance. The grade awarded is subject to the Grade Appeal Policy of the School of Graduate Studies.

It is the department policy that an incomplete grade ("I") may only be assigned when warranted by special or unusual circumstances beyond the control of the student, as long as it is consistent with the "incomplete" policy stated on the course syllabus. If the instructor approves the "I," then the student must complete a contract with the sponsoring faculty member to complete the work by an agreed-upon date. All incomplete coursework appearing on a student’s degree plan must be completed before a student can commence the final project for graduation or participate in an internship.

Course Revalidation

The School of Graduate Studies requires that courses older than six years must be revalidated or removed from the graduate plan. Students must contact the faculty member who taught the course or the IDT Graduate Advisor. Course revalidation is accomplished when the course’s faculty member reviews the student’s work history and professional experiences to determine the best method for validation. This may include a competency examination, portfolio development, additional course work, etc. When revalidation is successfully completed, the evaluator will write a letter to the IDT Department recommending revalidation approval. The department will act on the request and so inform the School of Graduate Studies.

School of Engineering and Technology

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