Bachelor of Business in Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Why Choose Supply Chain Management at WIU?

  • The Supply Chain Management (SCM) program integrates corporate best practices and hands-on experience to build relevant industry skills
  • Dozens of top companies recruit at WIU each year as the demand for graduates exceeds the supply resulting in very strong career opportunities
  • Student organizations, study abroad programs, professional development events, career fairs, and internships provide networking opportunities and industry experience
  • The integrated program allows students to earn two degrees (bachelor's and MBA) in just five years
  • Accreditation by AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) ensures a quality educational experience
Student group touring Dot Food

Supply Chain Management Open House

  • Learn about the SCM program.
  • Meet SCM professionals, current students, and faculty.
  • Explore opportunities in and out of the classroom.
  • Virtual and In-Person events will be held throughout the semester.

View details and register


Supply Chain Managment Career Fair
Supply Chain Management Day

SCM Day is the primary networking and recruiting event for WIU's SCM students and industry partners. The event is hosted prior to most companies making their hiring decisions regarding internship and employment for the following spring and summer.

Students from freshman year through graduate school attend the day's events to gain information about the companies attending, practices and trends in the SCM field and learn from leaders in the industry.

Learn more about SCM Day


  • Archer Daniel Midland (ADM) Scholarship (5 at $1000)
  • Bob J. Davis Scholarship (2 @ $1500)
  • Dot Foods Scholarship ($1500)
  • John Deere Scholarship ( 2 at $2000)