Integrated Baccalaureate and Master's Degree Programs
Earn TWO degrees in just five years!
Accountancy • Business Administration (MBA) • Computer Science (CS)
Economics • Instructional Design and Technology (IDT)
An integrated baccalaureate and master’s degree program provides the opportunity for outstanding undergraduates to earn both degrees in five years. Typically, a baccalaureate degree requires four years to complete and a master’s degree requires an additional two years. However, the integrated degree programs are intended to be accomplished over a period of five years. In addition to allowing students to earn both degrees a year early, the integrated program may include additional opportunities to participate in a variety of experiential educational activities, such as a master’s project or thesis.
Save Time!
Students in an integrated major are allowed to take two graduate courses during their senior year. These courses count toward both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. This means students take two fewer classes than students who earn both degrees without going through an integrated degree program.
Saves Money!
Students admitted into the integrated program “lock in” the graduate tuition rate that appeared in the graduate catalog when they first enrolled at WIU.
Undergraduate students may apply for admission to an integrated program after completing 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework of which a minimum of 30 semester hours must be at WIU. Integrated degree applicants must meet the cumulative grade point average and the grade point average for their major as specified by their integrated degree program. Admission must be granted by the School of Graduate Studies before a student will be allowed to enroll in graduate level courses. Students may begin taking bridge courses after the completion of 90 semester hours.

Please refer to the graduate catalog for specific course requirements.
Bachelor/Master in Accountancy
- Admission into the integrated program in Accountancy requires a minimum of an overall GPA of a 3.25 and a 3.25 GPA in their major and in their accounting coursework.
Bachelor in Accountancy/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Accountancy
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses

Please refer to the graduate catalog for specific course requirements in each area.
Bachelor in Accountancy/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Accountancy
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor in Computer Science/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Computer Science and a Pre-MBA minor
- Completion of at least six semester hours of Pre-MBA minor courses
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in Pre-MBA minor courses
Bachelor in Economics/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Economics (B.B.)
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor in Finance/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Finance
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor Human Resource Management/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Human Resource Management
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor Law Enforcement and Justice Administration/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration with a Pre-MBA minor
- Completion of at least six semester hours of Pre-MBA minor courses
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor Management/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Management
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor in Marketing/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Marketing
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Agriculture and a Pre-MBA minor
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in Pre-MBA minor
Bachelor in Supply Chain Management/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Supply Chain Management
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses

Please refer to the graduate catalog for specific course requirements.
Bachelor/Master in Computer Science
- Admission into the integrated program in Computer Science requires a minimum of an overall GPA and a major GPA of 3.25.
Bachelor in Computer Science/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Computer Science and a Pre-MBA minor
- Completion of at least six semester hours of Pre-MBA minor courses
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in Pre-MBA minor courses

Please refer to the graduate catalog for specific course requirements.
Bachelor of Business or Arts
in Economics/Master of Arts in Economics
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Economics (B.B.)
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses
Bachelor of Business in Economics/MBA
- A minimum of 90 semester hours completed
- A major in Economics (B.B.)
- A minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in MBA Foundation courses

Please refer to the graduate catalog for specific course requirements.
Instructional Design and Technology (IDT)
- Bachelor of Arts in General Studies/MS in IDT
- Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication/MS in IDT
Students in the integrated program are allowed to use nine semester hours to satisfy both the Bachelor of Science or Art degree and the Master of Science degree in Instructional Design and Technology. Three of the following courses can be used: IDT 433G/B, IDT 460G/B, IDT 480G/B, IDT 500B, IDT 505B, IDT 512B, IDT 516B, IDT 525B, IDT 530B, IDT 535B, IDT 536B, IDT 538B, IDT 560B, and EIS 500B. If taken after the undergraduate degree has been completed, the courses should not be taken with the “B” designator.
Requirements for Enrollment
- A minimum of and overall and major GPA of 3.25
- Three letters of recommendation, two of which must come from IDT faculty
- An essay that includes academic goals, career plans upon completion of the program, perceived motivations, and attributes and abilities that will lead to success in the program
- I. Core Courses: 11 s.h.
- II. Directed Electives: 15 s.h.
- III. General Electives: 3 s.h.
- IV. Exit Option: 6 s.h.
Total program: 35 s.h.
Please contact your undergraduate advisor for details on the integrated Baccalaureate and Master's Degree Programs.
Macomb Campus Advising
Stipes Hall
Location: Stipes Hall 133
Phone: (309) 298-1619
Website: Stipes Hall Advising
Sara Lytle, Director/Academic Advisor
Business Disciplines (T-Z)
Computer Science
Information Systems
Cybersecurity (formerly Network Technologies)
Michele Aurand, Academic Advisor
Business Disciplines (A-S)
Knoblauch Hall
Andi Potter, Academic Advisor
Engineering Technology
Graphic Communication
Quad Cities Campus Advising
Location: QC Riverfront 109
Phone: (309) 762-9481
Website: Quad Cities Advising
Ashley Wilkinson, Academic Advisor
Quad Cities Campus
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