IAI/WIU Course Match Index
The following listing shows the WIU courses that match Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education Core Curriculum course descriptions as of May 1, 2024. The IAI course code and WIU course number and title are provided. Please see the IAI website for a current listing (itransfer.org/iai).
- C1 900: ENG 180 College Writing I
- C1 901R: ENG 280 College Writing II
- C2 900: COMM 241 Introduction to Public Speaking
- M1 900-1: MATH 133 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
- M1 900-2: MATH 134 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
- M1 900-3: MATH 231 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
- M1 900-B: MATH 137/138 Applied Calculus I/II (as a sequence)
- M1 902: STAT 171 General Elementary Statistics
- M1 904: MATH 101 Concepts of Mathematics
- M1 904: MATH 102 Creative Perspectives in Mathematics
- M1 907: MATH 123 Modeling with Mathematical Functions
- L1 900L: BIOL 100 Biological Concepts
- L1 910L: BOT 200 Introduction to Plant Biology
- L1 910L: ZOOL 200 Introduction to Animal Biology
- P1 900L: PHYS 114 (added 11/11/24)
- P1 900L: PHYS 115 (added 11/11/24)
- P1 901L: PHYS 100 Physics for Society
- P1 902L: CHEM 101 Principles of Chemistry I
- P1 903: CHEM 114 (added 11/11/24)
- P1 903L: CHEM 150 Contemporary Chemistry
- P1 905: GEOL 113 (added 11/11/24)
- P1 905: GEOL 115 (added 11/11/24)
- P1 905L: GEOG 121 Planet Earth: Surface Processes and Interactions
- P1 905L: METR 120 Introduction to Weather and Climate
- P1 906: PHYS 101 Introduction to Astronomy
- P1 907L: GEOL 110 Our Changing Earth
- P1 907L: GEOL 112 History of the Earth
- P2 900L: PHYS 211 (added 11/11/24)
- H1 900: FR 224 Intermediate French II
- H1 900: GER 224 Intermediate German II
- H1 900: SPAN 224 Intermediate Spanish II
- H2 903N: HIST 241 History of Latin America (added 11/04/24)
- H2 903N: HIST 245 History of Asia (added 11/04/24)
- H2 904: HIST 105 American History to 1877
- H2 905: HIST 106 American History since 1877
- H2 906: HIST 115 World History to 1500
- H2 907: HIST 116 World History since 1500
- H3 900: ENG 195 Introduction to Literature
- H3 901: ENG 201 Introduction to Fiction
- H3 902: ENG 202 Introduction to Drama
- H3 903: ENG 200 Introduction to Poetry
- H3 905: ENG 205 Introduction to Shakespeare
- H3 906: ENG 353 Great Books
- H3 908N: ENG 358 Studies in Non-Western Literature
- H3 911D: ENG/WS 301 Women and Literature
- H3 916: FR 327 Introduction to French Literature
- H3 916: GER 327 Introduction to German Literature
- H3 916: SPAN 327 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- H3 917: FR 328 Masterpieces of French Literature
- H3 917: SPAN 328 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature
- H4 900: PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
- H4 904: PHIL 120 Contemporary Moral Problems
- H4 906: PHIL 140 Logic and Reasoning
- H4 907: PHIL 205 Philosophy, Law and Society (added 11/04/24)
- H5 900: REL 101 Religion and Popular Culture
- H5 901: REL 107 The Bible
- H5 904N: REL 100 World Religions (added 11/04/24)
- F1 900: MUS 190 What to Listen for in Music
- F1 903N: MUS 394 Music in World Cultures
- F1 904: MUS 195 American Popular Music
- F1 906: DAN 382 Dance History and Philosophy
- F1 907: THEA 110 Introduction to the Theatre
- F1 913: MUS 196 Music in the Rock Era (added 11/04/24)
- F1 913: MUS 198 K-Pop, J-Pop, and C-Pop (added 11/04/24)
- F2 900: ARTH 180 An Introduction to Art
- F2 901: ARTH 282 History of World Art: to 1400
- F2 902: ARTH 283 History of World Art: 1400–1900
- F2 908: BC&J/ENG 290 Introduction to Film
- S1 901N: ANTH 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- S1 902: ANTH 111 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
- S3 900: ECON 100 Introduction to Economics
- S3 901: ECON 231 Principles of Macroeconomics
- S3 902: ECON 232 Principles of Microeconomics
- S4 900N: GEOG 100 Introduction to Human Geography
- S4 906: GEOG 110 World Regional Geography
- S5 900: POLS 122 American Government and Politics
- S5 902: POLS 223 State Government and Politics
- S5 903: POLS 101 Introduction to Political Science
- S5 904: POLS 228 Fundamentals of International Relations
- S5 905: POLS 267 Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
- S6 900: PSY 100 Introductory Psychology
- S6 903: PSY 221 Psychology of Child Development
- S7 900: SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
- S7 901: SOC 200 Contemporary Social Problems
- S7 903D: SOC 300 Minority Peoples
- S8 900: PSY 250 Human Social Behavior
- S9 900: AAS 100 Introduction to African American Studies (added 10/21/24)
- S9 900: RPTA 110 Concepts of Leisure (added 10/21/24)
- S9 900: WS 190 Introduction to Women’s Studies (added 10/21/24)
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