Robert Hironimus-Wendt, Professor of Sociology
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1997
Dr. Hironimus-Wendt joined the Department in 2005.
Office: Morgan Hall 421
Phone: (309) 298-1056
- Soc 100 Introduction to Sociology
- Soc 300 Minority Peoples
- Soc 333 Classical Social Theory
- Soc 415 Social Stratification
- Soc 612 Seminar in the Instruction of Undergraduate Sociology
Areas of Specialization
- Teaching and Learning, Social Inequality, Labor Relations
Selected Publications
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. and Doreen A. Dedjoe. 2015. “Glass Ceilings and Gated Communities in Higher Education.” Chapter 1 in Kristine De Welde and Andi Stepnick, Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2012. “Buyer Beware: Publishing in an Era of Predatory Publishers.” ASA Footnotes: A Publication of the American Sociological Association.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J., and Lora Ebert Wallace. 2009. “The Sociological Imagination and Social Responsibility.” Teaching Sociology.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2008. “The Human Costs of Worker Displacement.” Humanity and Society.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2008. “Advice from Displaced Workers on Negotiating Unemployment.” Social Policy.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J., and Fred Spannaus. 2007. “The Social Costs of Worker Displacement.” Social Policy.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2005. “Introduction: What is Service Learning?” In JoAnn DeFiore, Morten G. Ender and Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski (editors), Service-Learning and Undergraduate Sociology: Research, Syllabi, and Instructional Materials (3rd edition). Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2001. “Cui Bono?: The Calculus of School Vouchers.” Humanity and Society.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J., and Larry Lovell-Troy. 1999. "Grounding Service-Learning in Social Theory." Teaching Sociology.
Selected Presentations
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2017. "The Duality of Affirmative Action." Paper presentation, Pacific Sociological Association meetings, Portland, OR.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2015. "Wage Premiums in Higher Education and the Gender Wage Gap." Paper presention, Association for Humanist Sociology meetings, Portland, OR.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. and Kenneth S. Hawkinson. 2014. “Predatory Journals: Contractual Considerations.” Presentation, Academy for Academic Personnel Administration National Conference. Clearwater Beach, FL.
- Allred, Mollie, Adam J. Busard, Judith M. Dallinger, and Robert J. Hironimus-Wendt. 2010. “Creating Ownership: Increasing Communication with Faculty and Peer Mentors through Multi-Media.” Panel presentation 29th Annual FYE Conference, Denver, CO.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2009. “On Teaching Social Responsibility.” Paper presentation, Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines, IA, April 2009.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2008. “On Surviving Job Loss.” Paper presentation, Midwest Sociological Society, St. Louis, MO, Mar. 2008.
- Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J. 2006. “Teaching Sociology for Humanist Outcomes: Assessing the Impact of Service Learning.” Paper presentation, Association for Humanist Sociology, St. Louis, MO.
- Moely, Barbara E., and Robert J. Hironimus-Wendt. 2005. “Writing and Research for Publication.” Presentation made at the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (UNCFSP) meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Selected Interviews
- Radio Interview. March 13, 2012. “Sociologist’s View of Same-sex Marriage.” WNIJ, DeKalb, Illinois. A subsidiary of National Public Radio, (NPR).
- Radio Interview. February 18, 2009. “Worker Displacement, Labor Relations, and Community Cohesion.” Focus 580 with David Inge. WILL, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. A subsidiary of National Public Radio, (NPR).
Organizational Affiliations
- NAACP, Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Marquis’ Who’s Who in America.
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