Department of Mathematics
60th  Annual Western Illinois University 
Mathematics Teachers Conference
Friday, March 25, 2011  (8 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.)

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60th  Annual Western Illinois University
Mathematics Teachers Conference
Friday, March 25, 2011
(8 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.)



Teaching and Learning Mathematics K-14: 

"Connecting to The Common Core Standards"

  Conference Pictures

(including abstracts for all the talks)
Conference Wiki 
This wiki will provide links to the problems, solutions, and some session materials from the day of the conference.


Keynote Speakers

Susan Morrison

Susan Morrison

Illinois Deputy State Superintendent of Education

"Moving Forward with New Standards"

Susan Morrison is the Illinois Deputy State Superintendent of Education. She has worked in the education field in Illinois for more than 30 years as teacher, administrator in a K-12 district, and the Director at the state office of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, located at the University of Illinois. Susie has served in her current role since 2007.

She will focus on the latest developments in the state and national standards and how they may impact Illinois teachers, students, expectations and assessments. The American Diploma Project and Common Core Standards movement are poised to change the way we teach and learn mathematics and Susan will be able to address these issues as she discusses the future of education here in Illinois. [Abstract]


George Schlott

George Schlott

Senior Consultant  for Educational Services-Illinois,
ACT, Inc-Midwest Region, Lincolnshire IL

"The Condition of College and Career Readiness in Illinois"

George Schlott became a Senior Consultant for Educational Services in 2006. Since that time he has worked with elementary and secondary schools throughout Illinois on ACT programs and services directed to preparing all students for college and career readiness.

Prior to his employment with ACT, George worked for the Plainfield Community Consolidated School District in Plainfield IL for 37 years. While working in the district, George was a Math Teacher, Guidance Counselor, District Director of Technology, and Associate Principal for Student Services. Additionally, he worked as a Counselor at Joliet background as it relates to the college and career readiness of secondary school graduates.

Using ACT® test scores and the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks, George Schlott will speak on college and career readiness of the Illinois graduating seniors in the class of 2010 who took the ACT in high school. The data presented herein are based on the ACT Profile Report—Illinois: Graduating Class 2010. [Abstract]

The website of the American College Testing (ACT) program is:

Conference Information
*    *   *
Registration Form [pdf - doc]

Program Schedule

(including abstracts for all the talks)


Macomb Campus Map / Parking Directions 

City of Macomb, IL  / Attractions in Macomb Area

Previous conferences

Contact Us

Late H.S. to College (12-14)       Dr. Don Campbell            309-298-2044                                             
                                                  Dr. Lia Petracovici           309-298-1346
Early High School (9-11)            Dr. Marko Kranjc              309-298-2315
                                                 Dr. Marie-Claire Koissi      309-298-2358
Junior High School (7-8)            Dr. Jim Olsen                   309-298-2317
Middle School (4-6)                   Dr. Bob Mann                   309-298-2037
Elementary (K-3)                       Dr. Kim Hartweg               309-298-2313


For further information and comments, please contact:
Sharon Setser by phone at 309-298-2275 or by E-mail at . 

60th Annual Western Illinois 
Mathematics Teachers Conference
Friday, March 25, 2011  (8 a.m. – 3.15 p.m.)

Illinois Council of Teachers
of Mathematics

Macomb Chamber of Commerce




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