College of Arts and Sciences Scholarships

The College of Arts and Sciences and its departments offer 140+ scholarships to help our students meet their financial needs. Our merit-based scholarships are awarded by meeting or exceeding certain standards set by the scholarship-giver. They also might be based on academic achievement or on a combination of academics and community service.

Arts and Science's Scholarships

Fusion for Innovation

Full time enrollment, Undergraduate student pursuing a major or minor in the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Business and Technology, Essay submitted on Demonstrating the ability for applying innovative solutions to challenging problems. Submit an essay on demonstrating the ability for applying innovative solutions to challenging problems.

Gerald and Linda Patton

Primary recipient will be a junior in good standing (minimum 3.00 GPA); interest in a career associated with the Humanities and/or Social Sciences; renewable for senior year if minimum GPA criterion is met.

Jack and Dorothy Bates

Open to all class levels; GPA of 3.0; major in area of Humanities; renewable with maintained GPA or 3.0 or higher and major in Humanities.

Jim Miner

Full-time enrollment at WIU; working toward science education degree; document volunteer activities and campus involvement; submission of one page essay on how this scholarship will help achieve educational goals. Financial need is a consideration. Not renewable, but recipients may reapply.

Larry and Reva Ehmen

Senior level undergraduate or beginning graduate student working in the physical sciences with an assigned fellowship or internship. Primary recipient of this scholarship will be a senior or beginning graduate student in good standing with a major in the physical sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Geography/Geology, Mathematics, Nursing or Physics). Preference will be given to students with financial need and an expressed desire to pursue a career in a physical science field. minimum GPA of 3.00 on a 4.0 scale (cumulative and science major). Renewable, but students must reapply each year.

Michael and Susan Easton Stanko

Senior level undergraduate or beginning graduate student working in the physical sciences with an assigned fellowship or internship; secondary science education major accepted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP); minimum 60 credit hours earned at time of disbursement; minimum GPA of 3.0; expressed commitment to teaching; preference may be given for financial need. Revewable. Student must maintain satisfactory progress.

Nicholas and Joan Pano

Major in one of the academic programs of the College of Arts and Sciences; completion of 75-90 credit hours of coursework with a minimum of 45 credit hours earned at WIU; GPA of 3.5 or higher for coursework at WIU; A record of outstanding contributions to the success of the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council and/or a departmental student organization. Contributions to the success of university student organization (including athletic teams) and university-wide activities will also be taken into account. Not renewable.