Jose Marroquin 2008
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement & Justice Administration (WIU, 2008), Master of Arts in Higher Education (Ball State, 2012), Master in Business Administration (Loyola Chicago, 2023)
Business Information: Manager of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Society of Actuaries
Advice for Freshmen: Find your community at WIU! From starting a new student club, working on/off campus, and/or participating in academic departmental events - it is possible to find meaningful connections. WIU offers the opportunity for students to grow and learn about themselves.
Favorite WIU Memory: I was a resident assistant at Bay/Hen and Higgins Halls during my undergraduate experience! As an RA, I enjoyed positively impacting and creating community with my residents. Additionally, I was able to learn about many life lessons by being a Founding Brother of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity (Beta Psi Chapter) at WIU.
Family Information/Special Interests and Hobbies: I currently live in the west suburbs of Chicago with my wife Kyrie Kirkland and our Kerry Blue Terrier (Ozzie). I enjoy reading, golfing, attending sport events, volunteering, mentoring, and collecting sports bobbleheads. Finally, I am a big advocate of Chicago Deep Dish Pizza.
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