University Printing & Mailing Center
DPS Mail functions as a center for the receipt of campus mail and the receipt, dispatch, and control of U.S. stamped mail.
DPS Mail performs the following tasks:
- Receives and sorts incoming U.S. mail and delivers it to University departments
- Processes outgoing U.S. mail generated by University departments
- Sorts and delivers campus mail
- Maintains inventory of perforated “I” U.S. postage stamps for sale to University departments
- Bills University departments for postage costs associated with outgoing mail
DPS Mail’s drivers pick up and deliver both U.S. stamped mail and campus mail. This service is conducted under policies and procedures designed to best serve the entire University community. To assist in expediting the different types of mail service, the following policies are outlined.
Mail sent to DPS Mail for processing should be sorted and banded into the following groups:
- Campus Mail (letters)
- Campus Mail (flats)
- Outgoing Mail to Be Metered (letters)
- Outgoing Mail to Be Metered (flats)
- Stamped Mail
- Special Service Mail
- Forwarded Mail
- International Mail
Campus, forwarded, and stamped mail do not need a Postage Charge Slip, but the other categories should have a separate Postage Charge Slip attached to each group.
Mail delivery service is provided to all primary department offices on a twice-per-day basis, using a pouch exchange system. When mail is delivered to a department office, a return pouch is picked up and returned to DPS Mail. Two mail delivery routes are utilized to provide the most efficient delivery system possible.
Campus Mail
The University mailing system is to be used for University business only.
Non-business, personal mail cannot be passed between campus offices. This includes non-business newspapers, magazines, direct sales items, personal items from outside companies, articles of clothing, etc. If it is not directly related to Western business, it should not be sent through campus mail.
Campus mail is sorted and dispatched as quickly as possible each workday. In order to be accepted for processing, campus mail must be enclosed in envelopes unless other arrangements have been made with DPS Mail. Campus mail should utilize the brown, printed, campus envelopes available for purchase from the Office Supplies Store’s Office Supply Catalog (Item #1220, $24.00, for letter size; and #P20M97233, $21.50, for 10” x 13” size). Do not use plain white envelopes because they can easily be confused with outgoing, metered mail. If your department has accumulated an overstock of used envelopes, or if it is in need of campus envelopes, call DPS Mail at 298-1509. DPS Mail accepts and recycles envelopes to other departments.
The envelope address must show the full official University department name, and it should also include the intended recipient’s name. Abbreviated department names are not acceptable. Computer-generated address labels must also show the full official University department name. Envelopes addressed by hand should be printed or typed, and must be legible. Campus mail that does not include the University department’s correct name, uses an abbreviated name, or does not include a department name at all will be returned to the sending department for correction and clarification.
Mailings of five or more pieces addressed to a specific department or residence hall must be bundled by department or residence hall. Mailings of five or more pieces to individual recipients within a specific department or residence hall must be similarly bundled.
Acceptable Campus Mail
If the above guidelines are met, recognized University organizations may utilize DPS Mail for campus deliveries without affixing U.S. mail postage.
Incoming Mail
U.S. mail is dropped off from the Macomb Post Office at 9:00 am and picked up by the Macomb Post Office at 4:00 pm each operating day. DPS Mail receives First Class mail, small-sized Parcel Post mail, and mail requiring special services (i.e., Certified, Express, Insured, Registered, and Return Receipts). Registered, Express, Certified, and Insured mail are recorded with number, department, and date, and then delivered to the designated department. A signature is required, and the information is entered into the DPS Mail accounting system.
To be processed without delay, incoming mail must use the following format on the return address:
Individual’s Full Name
Full Department Name
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455-1390
Personal items and packages received in DPS Mail from an off-campus address will be held for pickup by the intended recipient.
Department Name Change
Please notify DPS Mail promptly of all changes in your official department name or building location. DPS Mail should also be notified when your offices will be closed during regular delivery periods such as during semester or vacation breaks.
Forwarding Mail
Mail delivered to a department that is addressed to a staff member who has left the department should be forwarded to that staff member’s new department, if known.
- First Class mail is forwarded free of charge for one year. When forwarding such mail, draw a line through the incorrect address, insert the correct new address, band separately, and return to DPS Mail.
- If a forwarding address for the staff member is not available, mark on the face of the envelope “Return to Sender,” and return it to DPS Mail.
- Periodical mail (magazines, newspapers, etc.) is forwarded for 60 days free of charge.
- Standard mail may not be forwarded; however, if an ancillary endorsement (i.e. Address, Forwarding, Return, or Change Service Requested) is written on the item, you should return the item to DPS Mail.
- A staff member or a student cannot leave an official change-of-address form at the Macomb Post Office or at DPS Mail for the purpose of redirecting mail. A form can be left with DPS Mail for reference purposes only.
Insufficiently Addressed Mail
First Class mail with an insufficient return address that is returned to Western from the U.S. Postal Service is held in Directory Search Service to determine, if possible, the sender’s name and the department that sent the item.
First Class mail sent to the University that is addressed only to “Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL” will be held and opened to determine to whom that mail should be delivered. When identification of the intended recipient is not possible from the inspection of the contents, the mail is returned to the sender, if possible.
First Class mail that still cannot be identified is handled as follows:
- If the piece has a return address, it is stamped “Insufficient Address” and returned to the sender.
- If the piece has no return address, it will be returned to the Macomb Post Office for disposition.
The handling of insufficient addresses on incoming Periodical, Standard, and Parcel Post mail is differentiated by DPS Mail based upon the following factors:
- Mail indicating Address, Forwarding, Return, or Change Service Requested on the face of the envelope is returned to the Macomb Post Office for disposition.
- Mail not indicating any of the services listed above is disposed of by DPS Mail unopened.
COD (Cash on delivery)
COD service is not available.
Outgoing Mail
Preprinted Envelopes
Official University preprinted envelopes with the appropriate University logo must be used for all regular outgoing mail (see the DPS website for more information:
Postage Charge Slips
Postage Charge Slips are generated and distributed to mailers at no cost by DPS Mail. Postage Charge Slips are required on outgoing mail for accounting purposes. Departments are responsible for the separation of mail by account number. Only one Postage Charge Slip is necessary for each account number. When multiple accounts are used by one department, indicate which account number is to be charged on each mail bundle. If DPS Mail receives mail without a Postage Charge Slip, or bundles of mail that do not indicate the account number to be charged, the mail will be returned to the sender. Postage Charge Slips for new accounts can be ordered by calling DPS Mail at 298-1509.
Postage Rates and Fees
For information on postal rates for various classes of mail or current fees for special services and handling, contact DPS Mail at 298-1509.
Mail Transport Containers
DPS Mail stores and supplies users with postal mail tubs and trays. Mail can only be accepted in containers approved by DPS Mail.
Mail Class Definitions
All mail must be marked with the required class to ensure that it will be posted accordingly. If mail is not marked appropriately, it will be sent First Class at the appropriate postage rate. Unmarked parcels will be sent at the most economical rate.
- Priority mail is a First Class mail service offered by the U.S. Postal Service that generally allows the delivery of an item in two or three days. First Class mail that weighs 13 oz. or more is automatically considered Priority mail. First Class mail under 13 oz. can be mailed as Priority mail, but there is a minimum rate for this service, which is more than the standard First Class rate.
- First Class mail generally offers delivery within three days to most domestic destinations. Postcards, Business Reply Mail, and Permit Imprint #489 are included in this group.
- Periodical mail is newspapers and magazines issued at least four times a year by a publisher who mails at the periodical rate on the basis of a periodical permit purchased through the U.S. Postal Service.
- Standard Bulk mail is a low priority mailing class for mail sent at a lower rate. To use this service, contact DPS Mail at 298-1509.
Package Services mail has four subcategories that might save postage. This class of mail does not receive expedited service, but it is usually delivered in three to seven days:
- Parcel Post must not exceed 70 pounds and 130 inches in length and girth combined. All oversized pieces, regardless of actual weight, will be charged at an “oversized” rate.
- Media mail is a book rate with the same dimensions as above.
- Library mail is mailed between schools and cultural institutions with the same dimensions as above.
- Bound Printed Matter must be permanently bound and must not exceed 15 pounds.
Special Service Definitions
Accountable mail includes Certified, Express, Insured, Registered, and mail with a Return Receipt or Delivery Confirmation. Call DPS Mail at 298-1509 for the appropriate forms.
- Certified mail provides you with a receipt at the time of mailing; records of delivery are maintained by the U.S. Postal Service. Only mailable matter on which postage is paid at a First Class rate (including Priority mail) may be accepted as Certified mail. Certified mail is a good choice for proof that you mailed something and that it was received.
- Express mail is a service offered by the U.S. Postal Service that guarantees next day delivery to most destinations within the U.S. (Note: Deliveries to some locations in the U.S. and all locations overseas do take longer than one day.) Insurance up to $100 is included at no extra cost. Mail using this service must be in DPS Mail no later than 3:30 pm daily. There is no guarantee that mail received after 3:30 pm will arrive at the destination by the next business day.
- Insured mail provides protection by obtaining payment for loss of mail, rifling of mail, or damage to mail. Up to $5,000 of insurance can be purchased for Package Services mail. It is also available for merchandise mailed at the Priority or First Class rates.
- Registered mail is a highly secure form of delivery that is documented each step of the way. Registered mail is the best choice for sending documents or items of value when security is important. This mail is kept under lock and key during its journey. As a result of the added security, delivery may be delayed by 24 to 48 hours.
- Return Receipts are your proof of mailing and delivery. The addressee signs a green card, which is returned to the mailer as proof of delivery. It is available for domestic Express, Registered, Certified, and Insured mail shipments. The Return Receipt identifies the article number, the person who signed for it, and the date it was delivered. Another option is to use the Return Receipt titled Restricted Delivery. This service permits a mailer to direct delivery only to the addressee.
- Delivery Confirmation provides the mailer with information about the date and time an article was delivered or the date and time delivery was attempted but not successful. This service is available for Priority mail and Package Services (Parcel Post, Media, Library mail, and Bound Printed Matter) only.
Meter Mail
Outgoing meter mail (mail which must have postage affixed by DPS Mail) must reach DPS Mail before 3:30 pm to ensure dispatch to the Macomb Post Office the same day. Metered mail is the most cost-effective way to send outgoing mail. All meter mail must be for University business only, must be addressed in all capital letters, and must be in an official University preprinted envelope with the appropriate university logo and complete return address. Arrange unsealed envelopes with the flaps down. All meter mail must be accompanied by a preprinted, bar-coded Postage Charge Slip, which shows the name and account number of the sending department, the date sent, and an authorized department signature. If special services are required for mailing, such as Registered, Insured, Certified, etc., instructions should be clearly marked on the Postage Charge Slip and on the envelope or package to be mailed. Postage Charge Slips for new accounts can be ordered by calling DPS Mail at 298-1509.
International Mail
The bottom line of an international address must show only the country name written in full (no abbreviations) and in capital letters. For example:
Mr. Thomas Clark
117 Russell Drive
London WIP 6HQ
International letters, letter packages, or printed matter that weigh less than 16 ounces do not require U.S. Customs forms. All other international mail requires a Customs Form PS 2976 or 2976-A to be filled out by the mailer. Check with DPS Mail for the mailing regulations and restrictions of individual countries.
Stamped Mail
Although DPS Mail staff will accept and deposit outgoing stamped mail, staff are encouraged to deposit personal stamped mail, such as holiday greetings, monthly bills, and other personal correspondence in U.S. Postal Service drop boxes. For your convenience, there are two USPS drop boxes on the Macomb campus. They are located at 3-101 Lamoine Village and near the northwest corner of the University Union.
Illinois State Law mandates that all postage stamps used for official University business must be state issued. State-issued stamps are identified by a perforated “I” on each stamp and are available to University departments through DPS Mail by using the Postage Charge Slip to authorize charges to your University postage account. State-issued stamps cannot be used for personal business. To order stamps, fill out the preprinted Postage Charge Slip with the name and account number of your department, the date sent, an authorized department signature, and the quantities and denominations of the type of postage your department needs. Postage requests will be delivered to your department as soon as possible. A signature acknowledging receipt will be requested upon delivery. The University stocks perforated postage stamps of limited denominations, secured through the Department of Central Management Services in Springfield, Illinois. Departments are encouraged to order supplies as early as possible to allow ample time for the items to be ordered from Springfield, if necessary. This is especially important when large quantities are needed. DPS Mail does not sell postage stamps to individuals for personal use and does not accept cash or personal checks under any circumstances.
Non-Acceptable Mail
Any mail received at DPS Mail that does not have postage affixed and/or has no accompanying Postage Charge Slip will be returned to the sender. If such mail does not have a return address, it will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, as postal regulations prohibit sending this type of mail postage due.
The following types of mail are unacceptable for processing by DPS Mail:
- Any material that would be prohibited by federal regulations
- Personal unstamped mail involving non-University business (i.e., notices of garage sales, homes for sale, personal gatherings, meeting notices for organizations not affiliated with Western, fraternity or sorority social functions, etc.)
- Personal greetings in bulk, including holiday greeting cards
- Literature, circulars, or notices originated by non-University organizations
- Personal books
- Petitions, money solicitations, membership recruitment, or election or campaign literature of a partisan natureCurrency or coin
- Scandalous or libelous material
- Controversial material of any kind
- Unstamped commercial solicitations
- Unstamped advertisement
Automated Mail
Because mailers pay less for automated mail than for non-automated mail, all University mailings of 500 or more first-class pieces or of 200 or more standard mail pieces must be addressed by DPS and sent as automated mail according to strict USPS regulations. USPS automated mail regulations require National Change of Address (NCOA) verification, require particular address information and specially formatted address blocks, prohibit the use of labels, and so on.
For information about automated mailing, contact DPS.
Business Reply Envelopes
Business Reply Envelopes are obtained by filling out a Letterhead/Envelope Order Form at The Business Reply Envelope return cost is charged to the department’s account.
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