Policy on Logo & Trademark Usage
Approval Date: 10/15/12
Revised: 5/2/16
Approved By: President
To provide a uniform and consistent image for Western Illinois University, individual logos or seals may not be used by schools, departments, or other academic and administrative units of the University. These procedures have been established to ensure that the Western Illinois University logos, wordmarks and trademarks are used appropriately and are used as the official logo(s) for all University departments and divisions (with the exception of student organizations and/or limited-use special events).
The logos to be used for all schools, colleges, departments, offices, centers, institutes, programs and other units of the University are the Western Illinois University bell tower logo and the Western Illinois (Rocky) sweep (minus the wordmark "Leathernecks). WIU-Quad Cities campus departments, etc. may use the WIU-QC Riverfront logo. The logos are not to be used in any way that does not conform to the visual identity standards set by the University. Logos are not to be altered in any way.
The bell tower logo must appear on all official University stationery, business cards and envelopes. However, it may also be used on departmental apparel and other items (e.g. pens, coffee mugs, mouse pads, etc.).
The Western Illinois Rocky sweep may be used for departmental apparel and other items (pens, mugs, hats, etc.). The Western Illinois Rocky sweep or the bell tower may also be used for publications and other University print material.
Departments and divisions wishing to create a department logo may use only the bell tower or Western Illinois Rocky Head sweep (or WIU-QC Riverfront logo) with the department/division name. All logos must be approved by University Marketing prior to printing/production.
For website and other Internet/social media sites, departments, etc. may use one of the following templates (if using the Western Illinois Sweep, the Sherman bell tower or the QC Riverfront logo, the Western Illinois University text at the top may be omitted if desired):
The branding tagline, Think Purple…Think Western, may be individualized to suit a department's needs. For example, Think Purple…Think Home…Think Western for University Housing and Dining Services.
Western Illinois University departments and organizations must adhere to logo usage policies and guidelines. Complete logo usage guidelines are available at www.wiu.edu/styleguide (updates forthcoming). Permission for logo, trademark, and wordmark usage, is administered and granted through University Marketing.
Any WIU trademark (logos: bell tower, Western Illinois sweep, Rocky logo, and/or wordmarks: Western Illinois University, Leathernecks, WIU) appearing on apparel, hats, coffee mugs, pens, etc. must be produced by a vendor licensed through Western's licensing partner, Learfield Licensing Partners (LLP). For more information on ordering licensed WIU products to promote your organization, department, or event, call 298-1861 or email Marketing@wiu.edu. Approval for the use of WIU trademarks will not be granted to vendors not licensed through LLP.
Day-to-Day Operations of the University
Vendors applying logos and/or word marks to their products provided specifically to the University for the sole purpose of satisfying the day-to-day operations of performing official University business MAY BE EXEMPT from licensing.
A written request for exemption must be received by University Marketing prior to production of any products along with a photograph, illustration, or detailed description of the product. A comprehensive narrative detailing the intended use of the product(s) and justifying the determination of exempt status must accompany the artwork.
In lieu of becoming licensed, the vendor must become registered through University Marketing. This exempt status must be renewed annually.
Commemorative Logos
Schools, colleges, departments, offices, centers, institutes, programs, and other units of the University wishing to commemorate an anniversary or special event by creating a unique logo may do so with permission from University Marketing. All artwork must be approved by University Marketing prior to use of the commemorative logo.
A written request for the use of a commemorative logo must be received by University Marketing prior to the use of the logo, along with a photograph, illustration, or detailed description of the special logo. A narrative detailing the intended use of the logo must accompany the artwork.
Permission to use logos to commemorate anniversary dates will only be given in increments of five or ten years, not every year (i.e. 25th anniversary, 30th anniversary, but not 27th anniversary or 31st anniversary).
Sponsorship Agreements - A sponsorship agreement is available for campus entities entering into sponsorship agreements with off-campus vendors. Please contact University Marketing for details.
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