2017 Prep Masthead

Peace Corps Programs Graduate Assistant promotes PC Prep at Fall Activities Fair

About The Peace Corps Prep Program at WIU

This program offers current undergraduate students, at Western Illinois University (WIU), an opportunity to enhance their academic experience with an emphasis on community development and service. Participants in the Peace Corps Prep (PC Prep) Program will develop relevant skills for Peace Corps service and/or careers in international service and community development.

Participants are not required to apply to the Peace Corps, nor is acceptance into Peace Corps guaranteed, however, successful completion of the WIU PC Prep Program will distinguish participants during the competitive application process for service, employment, or graduate studies.

This program is managed by the Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program, a unit of the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs (IIRA), in conjunction with partnering departments, on the Macomb and QC campuses.

Primary Contact Information

PC Prep Graduate Assistant